Australian Native Selection​
Australian Native Selection​
Acacia Baileyana
Cootamundra Wattle
Acacia Baileyana
Cootamundra Wattle
Evergreen tree, native to Australia, flowering from a young age during winter and early spring with yellow globose flower heads. The flowers are followed by 4-10 cm long, purple-brown to black seed pods. Feathery, silver-grey, bi-pinnately compound leaves.
Prefers a sunny position in any well-draining soil. Tolerates extended drought periods and moderate frosts (to about -7 degC). Ok for coastal gardens.
Acacia baileyana looks magnificent when in flower; completely smothered by bright yellow flowers during Winter.
Grow for it's magnificent Winter display. Useful as a windbreak, screening plant or shelter.
Height 5-8m. Width 5-8m.


Love Acacia floribunda for its fine foliage, abundant flowers, and fast growth.
Love Acacia floribunda for its fine foliage, abundant flowers, and fast growth.
Acacia Floribunda
Gossamer Wattle
Acacia Floribunda
Gossamer Wattle
Lovely Australian native wattle tree, abundant bright yellow, strongly scented flowers in Spring and the finest featheriest foliage. Excellent for erosion control and creekside plantings as well as wildlife gardens. Floribunda means, as you might have guessed, abundant dense flowers. Bright yellow, strongly scented flower spikes.
Plant in any soil in full sun or part shade. Frost-hardy to -7°C.
Mulch and water regularly until the plant is established. Prune after flowering and apply a slow release Australian native fertiliser to promote healthy leaf and prolific blooms during the next flowering season.
A showy wattle for general garden planting. Useful as a windbreak or fast growing shade plant.
Height 4-8m. Width 2m.
Acacia Howittii
Sticky Wattle
Acacia Howittii
Sticky Wattle
A tall shrub or small tree with pendulous branchlets carrying sticky, oval leaves.
From Winter to Summer it bears a mass of scented, fluffy, pale yellow flowers.
Best grown in a sunny to partly shaded position in moist, well drained soil. Tolerates short periods of dryness, light frosts and light to heavy soils.
When planting this wattle, take care to preserve it's weeping habit.
Place this decorative wattle where it's weeping habit is best displayed. Useful windbreak or screening plant.
Height 4m+. Width 3m+.


Acacia Merinthophora
Zig-Zag Wattle​
Acacia Merinthophora
Zig-Zag Wattle​
An unusual plant with a graceful pendulous habit.
The stems of the branches change direction at the points where the leaves occur producing a zigzag shape. The branches are very attractive in dried arrangements. Short, rod-shaped flower clusters (about 1-2 inches long) are produced in early Winter to early Spring. They are bright yellow in color and are followed by slender, curved seed pods. It is best grown in a well-drained, sunny position and, once established, will tolerate extended dry periods. Cold hardy to 25-30°C, possibly lower once established.
- Excellent for cut flower and floral work for its unusual zig-zag branches and little yellow flowers
- Attractive weeping growth habit
- Excellent light screening plant
- Great against a wall to show up the light flowers
- Small tree suitable to most gardens
Height 3m+. Width 3m+.
Acacia Iteaphylla
Flinders Range Wattle
Acacia Iteaphylla
Flinders Range Wattle
A densely foliaged wattle with blue-green, linear leaves. From Autumn to Spring it bears a mass of bright yellow flowers.
Thrives in a sunny, open position. Tolerates poor, lime soils, dry periods and light frosts. Prune after flowering to maintain compact shape and extend longevity.
An ornamental shrub which can also be used as an excellent low windbreak or screen.
Height 3-5m. Width 3-6m.



Agonis Parviceps
Tea Tree
Agonis Parviceps
Tea Tree
'Agonis parviceps' is covered with masses of white flowers from mid Winter through Spring into Summer.
Plant in an open position in a well drained soil. Provide a little water through the first summer.
Although pruning is generally not required, many gardeners do use the flowers for cut flowers. Make sure that you do not cut back into older wood without good foliage growth.
It is a plant that grows well in sandy soils and with good dense foliage is suited for planting as an informal hedge or as a background plant in the garden border.
It is especially suited to coastal gardens and the dense foliage provides habitat and protection for small birds.
Useful for floral work.
Height 2.5m+. Width 2m+.
Acacia Vestita
Hairy Wattle
Acacia Vestita
Hairy Wattle
A medium to tall, densely foliaged shrub with weeping branches, which bear small, oval, pointed leaves. Masses of golden yellow, rounded flowers cover the shrub in Spring.
Thrives in most soils and conditions. Tolerates extended wet periods but withstands only limited periods of dryness. While regular pruning after flowering will increase the longevity of the plant, careful pruning is advised to protect it's weeping habit.
Cultivate the soil before planting. Dig a hole twice the width of the container. Remove plant from container and place into the hole so the soil level is the same as the surrounding ground. Fill hole firmly and water in well even if the soil is moist.
Spectacular in flower, this wattle makes an excellent hedge, windbreak, shelter or screening plant.
Height 3-6m. Width 3-5m.



Agonis After Dark
AGONIS AFTERDARK is an ideal feature tree or specimen for large tubs. A great plant for coastal conditions and brings birds into your garden.
Agonis Afterdark
Flexuosa Jervis Bay Afterdark​
Agonis Afterdark
Flexuosa Jervis Bay Afterdark​
A superb new introduction AGONIS AFTERDARK is a small to medium tree with spectacular foliage, reflecting the Colours of the Night. The foliage changes with the seasons with bright flushes of claret/purple during Spring and Summer, deepening to a dark burgundy through Winter.
In mid-Spring the end of the branches are festooned with small tea like, white flowers contrasting vividly against the dark purple foliage.
The planting requirements of AGONIS AFTERDARK will vary according to soil conditions. In clay soils provide good drainage and adequate water. Sandy soils will need the addition of compost to help hold moisture. When established, AGONIS AFTERDARK will survive light frosts and strong winds.
Fertilise with a native blend slow release fertiliser twice a year and mulch well. If planting in tubs use a premium quality potting mix.
Height 6m. Width 3m+.
Anigozanthos Bush Tango
Anigozanthos Bush Tango
Anigozanthos 'Bush Tango' (Orange Kangaroo Paw) - This mid-sized kangaroo paw has foliage to 60cm tall with lightly branched 90cm flower stems bearing masses of orange iridescent flowers throughout Spring and Summer and sporadically the rest of the year. Plant in a sunny and open position in the garden in moderately well-drained soils (this cultivar is more tolerant to heavier soils). Irrigate regularly and fertilize in spring (not heavily and keep phosphorus on the low side). Fans only flower once and need to be cleaned out after the flowering period so remove the old leaves down to as low as possible at the end of a season. Care should be exercised that the new emerging fans are not damaged. Hardy and evergreen to about 25 degrees and will re-sprout after being knocked down by temperatures as low as -5°C. 'Bush Tango' is a great garden plant, plants grow extremely well in containers and are nice for flower arrangements.
Height 60-90cm. Width 60-90cm

Bush Tango

Frosty Red
Anigozanthos Frosty Red​
Anigozanthos Frosty Red​
Anigozanthos 'Frosty Red' is an attractive kangaroo paw with blue-green foliage and a spectacular deep red flower display. Flowering Autumn and Spring with numerous long sprays of deep red flowers, this attractive plant forms a neat mounded tuft of strap-like leaves.
Anigozanthos 'Frosty Red' tolerates frosts, full sun and most soils. Trim to shape following flowering.
An easily grown, versatile plant, ideal for pot culture, garden and landscape positions.
Great for floral arrangements.
Height 30-60cm. Width 60cm.
Anigozanthos Frosty Yellow
Anigozanthos Frosty Yellow
Anigozanthos 'Frosty Yellow' is a stunning kangaroo paw with blue-green foliage and glorious golden sprays of flowers appearing during Autumn and Spring, which will attract birds and butterflies. Easy to grow in most well-drained soils either tucked in the garden as a showy feature, or in a pot. Great addition to coastal gardens and look spectacular planted in groups with other Kangaroo Paws.
Trim to shape following flowering.
An ideal cut flower if you wish to bring some beauty indoors.
Height 60cm. Width 60cm.

Winter Pink

Frosty Yellow
Astartea Winter Pink​
Astartea Winter Pink​
Astartea ‘Winter Pink’ is a very attractive somewhat dainty shrub. Very compact dense habit producing masses of tiny pink flowers on longish stems in late Winter to Spring. Blooms are both profuse and conspicuous.
Requires a well drained light sandy soil. Best planted in full sun. Reasonably drought tolerant once established. Lightly prune back to shape after flowering.
This is an ideal plant for the borders of garden borders, great for the patio in containers. Group plant for fuller effect.
Useful for floral work. - great cut flowers.
Height 1m. Width 50cm.
Bauera Candy Stripe
Bauera Candy Stripe
A beautiful small compact spreading shrub, with dark green leaves that flowers profusely in Spring through to Summer with bright purple-red flowers.
Will grow in full sun or semi shade. Frost tolerant.
- A perfect plant for patio
- Attracts Bees
- Flowers for most of the year
- Coastal tolerant
A hardy shrub that is useful within any type of garden situation, low hedge, border or rockeries.
Height 30cm. Width 50cm.

Candy Stripe

Fairy Pink
Bauera Rubioides Fairy Pink
River Rose​
Bauera Rubioides Fairy Pink
River Rose​
A delightful low growing, evergreen, compact shrub with small dark green leaves that is overwhelmed with a profusion of dainty pink bell flowers from Spring to Summer.
Grows in full sun to light shade in well drained soils. A hardy plant with good frost resistance.
Trim after flowering to retain this plants compact habit.
- A perfect plant for patio
- Attracts Bees
- Flowers for most of the year
- Coastal tolerant
A hardy shrub that is useful within any type of garden situation, low hedge, border or rockeries.
Height 30cm. Width 50cm.
Bauera Rubioides Plum Duff
Bauera Rubioides Plum Duff
A hardy dwarf shrub smothered in beautiful white flowers from Spring to Summer. An attractive feature of this plant is when the fine foliage turns a plum colour in Winter to contrast with white flowers which appear in Spring.
Grows in full sun to light shade in a well drained soil.
Trim to shape after flowering has finished.
- A perfect plant for patio
- Attracts Bees
- Flowers for most of the year
- Coastal tolerant
A hardy shrub that is useful within any type of garden situation, low hedge, border or rockeries.
Height 40cm. Width 50cm.

Plum Duff

Boronia Denticulata
Mauve Boronia​
Boronia Denticulata
Mauve Boronia​
A versatile Boronia with aromatic foliage and a profuse flowering habit that consists of open petalled mauve-pink flowers from late Winter to late Spring.
For best results plant in a semi shaded position in well drained, slightly acidic soil.
Prune after flowering to maintain compact growth. Mulch well to conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds.
A very worthy Boronia useful for pot culture and for planting in sheltered garden beds.
Height 2m. Width 2.5m.
Boronia Heterophylla
Red Boronia
Boronia Heterophylla
Red Boronia
An upright , busy, evergreen shrub with leathery, narrow, dark green leaves. A mass of slightly fragrant, bright reddish-pink, bell-like flowers are borne in Spring.
Grows best in cool conditions and in moist but well drained soil. Lightly prune after flowering to maintain a bushy compact plant. Keep moist at all times.
Ideal for screening and mid-range shrub planting.
Great flowers for floral work and great vase life.
Height 2m+. Width 2m.

On seeing the Red Boronia (Boronia heterophylla) in vivid flower everyone may wish to have one, and may wonder if it is easy to obtain and grow. Its popularity is established in gardens as an easily-grown medium shrub which will live a good number of years with simple care.
Like the Brown Boronia (B. megastigma) it is native to Western Australia, is more robust and has a sweet scent in both leaves and flower.

Boronia Heterophylla Lipstick
Boronia Heterophylla Lipstick
A highly ornamental medium evergreen flowering shrub with bright green slender leaves. A easily grown Boronia.
Bears masses of magnificent hanging lipstick-pink bells in late Spring.
Grow in lime-free well-drained soil and mulch well.
Will tolerate frost.
Protect from drought and hot winds. Needs a cool root zone. Prune back after flowering.
Flowers are ideal for picking and floral work.
Height 1m. Width 80cm.
Boronia Heterophylla Moonglow
Boronia Heterophylla Moonglow
MOONGLOW is a stunning flowering form of the popular and reliable Boronia Heterophylla.
MOONGLOW produces an abundance of pure white bell-shaped flowers throughout Spring. Very distinctive and aromatic lime green fern-like foliage.
MOONGLOW forms an upright bushy shrub with long flower stems of pure white flowers much sought after for their stunning floral and garden display.
MOONGLOW requires well drained soil and regular watering during dry periods. For best results apply mulch to keep the roots cool.
Prefers a sheltered position in full sun.
Prune heavily after flowering.
Height 1m. Width 80cm.


Boronia Megastigma
Brown Boronia
Boronia Megastigma
Brown Boronia
A small evergreen shrub with fine, aromatic foliage. During Winter and Spring, it bears a profusion of highly fragrant brownish bell-like flowers that are yellow on the inside.
Grows in a cool, partly shaded position in moist, well drained soil. Ensure a cool root system. Keep soil moist.
Trim back after flowering to maintain shape if desired.
- Ideal for native gardens, rockeries and containers.
- Position plants near doorways or windows where their fragrance can be enjoyed.
- Flowers last well in vases indoors.
Height 1m. Width 1m.
Boronia Megastigma Lutea
Yellow Boronia
Boronia Megastigma Lutea
Yellow Boronia
A small evergreen shrub with fine, aromatic foliage. During Winter and Spring it bears a profusion of sweetly scented, lemon-yellow flowers.
Grow in a cool, partly shaded position in moist, well drained soil. Ensure a cool root system. Keep soil moist. Trim back after flowering to maintain shape if desired.
Ideal for gardens, rockeries and containers. Position plants near doorways or windows where their fragrance can be enjoyed.
Flowers last well in vases indoors.
Height 1m. Width 1m.

Purple Jared

Megastigma Lutea
This is a plant that can be grown in the garden or in a container. The flowers are small and bell shaped, very fragrant and will cover the plant for weeks.
Boronia Purple Jared
'Purple Jared' is a stunning new purple flowered cross of the popular red and brown boronias. Selected for it's early flowering time, large perfumed flowers and strong plant vigour 'Purple Jared' will soon become a sought after garden plant. ​
Boronia Purple Jared
'Purple Jared' is a stunning new purple flowered cross of the popular red and brown boronias. Selected for it's early flowering time, large perfumed flowers and strong plant vigour 'Purple Jared' will soon become a sought after garden plant. ​
'Purple Jared' will form an attractive upright bushy shrub with aromatic fern-like foliage. Through Spring the plant will smother itself with an abundance of spectacular purple bell shaped flowers.
Plant in sun or partial shade. Reasonably tolerant of soil but prefers a well drained soil.
Easy to grow, mulch around the plant to keep the roots cool and moist during dry periods.
Generally easy care, can be trimmed lightly to maintain a busy plant. An annual dressing of a protea type fertiliser will benefit the plant.
It is ideal for small gardens, rockeries and containers, or used in general landscaping.
Outstanding cut flower with delightful perfume.
Height 1m. Width 75cm.
Boronia Serrulata
Sydney Rock Rose
Boronia Serrulata
Sydney Rock Rose
An attractive Boronia species, this small shrub with delicate and beautifully perfumed deep pink flowers. The star shaped flowers appear atop the branches in late Winter to Spring, creating an impressive display. The foliage is also fragrant and takes on a bronze tinge in cold conditions, making it an attractive plant year round. Likes an open sunny position in a free draining soil. Frost tolerant to -3°C.
Excellent for use in containers, borders and rockeries, as well as garden and landscape where it will thrive with little maintenance in well drained soil. Its compact form, exquisite perfume and visual appeal make it a great feature plant in a container or garden, and the flower stems make great cut flowers for floral arrangements.
Height 1m. Width 50cm.


Betka Beauty

Callistemon Betka Beauty
Some reds are so lustrous they take your breath away.​
Callistemon Betka Beauty
Some reds are so lustrous they take your breath away.​
A compact single or multi-stemmed shrub with papery bark and fresh light green foliage with bright red bottlebrush flowers.
Likes moist clay to sandy loam soils, and tolerates frost and dry spells once established.
It will thrive in full sun in most soils, even seasonally wet, and cool to warm climates, coastal or inland, are fine. Like all bottlebrushes, Callistemon 'Betka Beauty' is reliable and easy to grow. Clip off the spent flowers in early summer each year, and every spring you’ll have double the flowers.
Plant a hedge or screen of Callistemon 'Betka Beauty' and you’ll find you can’t tear your eyes away from the nectar-filled bottlebrush flowers. Neither can the honeyeaters ~ they’re at it from dawn to dusk throughout the spring.
GREAT for bringing the birds into your garden!
Height 2m. Width 1.5m.
Callistemon Candy Floss
Callistemon Candy Floss
An attractive plant with a vigorous erect growth habit. Produces masses of light pink bottlebrush like flower clusters in late Spring to Summer.
It is adaptable to a wide range of soils and climate and maybe pruned severely if necessary. Will perform best in full sun and in soils with reasonable drainage.
Frost hardy -3°C once established.
Callistemons respond well to annual fertilising after flowering. Prune to shape and size after flowering has finished to ensure bushy growth and to enhance flowering the following season.
An excellent plant for open sunny situations. Great plant for coastal gardens growing in direct sand, could be used for hedging, as a screen plant or as a feature plant.
Height 2-3m. Width 2m.

Candy Floss

Callistemon Citrinus
Scarlet Bottlebrush​
Callistemon Citrinus
Scarlet Bottlebrush​
Callistemon 'citrinus' (Crimson Bottlebrush) is an evergreen shrub with arching branches clothed with lance-shaped leaves that emerge coppery before maturing to gray-green.
The leaves release a lemony scent when bruised. Bright crimson bottlebrush-like flower spikes, 10cm long bloom intermittently throughout the year in frost free areas.
The blooms are a copious source of nectar for birds - our tuis love Bottlebrushes.
An eye-catching specimen for a sunny shrub border or charming hedge in frost free areas.
No shrub could give a more brilliant display for so little trouble.
Height 3m+. Width 3m+.
Callistemon Citrinus Violet
Callistemon Citrinus Violet
An erect robust evergreen shrub.
Stunning terminal spikes of vibrant violet flowers are produced late Winter-Spring.
It is adaptable to a wide range of soil types as long as they drain well. Best suited to an open sunny situation.
Will tolerate partial shade. Is both drought and frost tolerant once established. Prune to shape and size after flowering has finished. Feed with a general shrub fertiliser.
Useful in most landscape situations. Can be used as a screen or hedge plant and great for coastal gardens.
Birds love these plants!
Height 2.5m. Width 2m.

Citrinus Violet

Citrinus Violet

Hot Pink

Hot Pink Bottlebrush
Callistemon Hot Pink
Hot pink flowers with hot pink bottlebrush like flowers on the terminal shoots and branches in Spring.​
Callistemon Hot Pink
Hot pink flowers with hot pink bottlebrush like flowers on the terminal shoots and branches in Spring.​
Callistemons are easy to grow with minimal requirements. All shrubs need to be watered in well at planting and kept moist for several months until they have rooted well into the garden soil.
Prune, if needed, to shape and size and is best done following the major flowering in spring.
Mulch with any mulching material to conserve moisture and to keep the soil cooler around the surface feeder roots.
In most fertile soils little supplementary fertilizer will be needed but in 'Hot Pinks' early life an occasional dressing of any well balanced fertilizer would be helpful.
In future, native gardens will not seem complete without plants of 'Hot Pink' bottlebrush. Planted singly or in rows they will impress with their clean upright growth in most situations.
If planted into a large pot one would need to take real care that the soil never dried out.
The straight branches can be used to good effect in floral arrangements.
Compact Growth • Australian Native • Drought Tolerant
Height 1.5m. Width 1m.
Callistemon John Mashlan
Callistemon John Mashlan
A compact, evergreen, upright-growing bottlebrush. Bears a profusion of candy-floss pink brushes through Spring and Summer.
Plant in full sun and a light prune after flowering has finished helps maintain shape.
Tolerates drought, wind and damp soils once established.
- Great for hedging and screening
- Great for coastal gardens.
- Great planted alongside other varieties
- Attracts nectar-feeding birds.
Height 2m. Width 2m.

John Mashlan

John Mashlan

Kings Park Special
Callistemon Kings Park Special​
Callistemon Kings Park Special​
A relatively compact, slightly weeping, free-flowering bottlebrush with bright red flower heads in Spring and Summer with spot flowering in Autumn.
Prefers a moist, well drained soil in a sunny to partly shaded position. Tolerates drought, coastal areas and boggy soils.
If needed, it can be pruned to shape or allowed to grow naturally into a small tree.
One of the most ornamental callistemons.
- A good feature or screen plant.
- It has attractive furrowed bark.
- Attractive to nectar loving birds.
Height 3m. Width 2m.
Callistemon Little John
Callistemon Little John
A dwarf, rounded, evergreen shrub which in Spring is almost completely covered with a mass of dark red bottlebrush flowers. The narrow, crowded foliage is an attractive bluish-green.
A hardy. adaptable shrub, tolerant of soil and conditions given a sunny aspect. Tolerates light frost. Prune after flowering to maintain compact growth. Keep moist in dry weather.
Excellent addition to rockeries, borders and shrubberies.
The colourful flowers attract nectar feeding birds.
- Makes an excellent container plant or small specimen tree in a border or patio.
- Also could be used as a low hedge.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.

Little John

Little John
Additional Information:
Always choose healthy, well-grown plants. Callistemons may be planted any time of the year, provided they are watered in dry periods. Dig a hole in the ground twice the size of the root ball. Before planting, ensure that the root-ball is saturated and remove the planter pot with minimal root disturbance. Planting success is often improved on clay soils by adding extra topsoil and forming raised beds. Incorporate coarse sand, bark, compost or other organic material to improve soil structure. As soil is placed in the prepared hole, tread firmly to bring soil in close contact with the root ball. Water thoroughly, making sure that moisture penetrates to the depth of the root ball.

A fabulous deep red bottle brush flowers up to 20cm long and dusted with yellow pollen.
Callistemon Pachyphyllus Viridis
Wallum Bottlebrush​
Callistemon Pachyphyllus Viridis
Wallum Bottlebrush​
A small, upright shrub with arching stems carrying narrow leaves.
Soft green, bottlebrush flowers are produced mainly in Spring.
Thrives in a sunny to partly shaded position in well drained soil. Tolerates periods of dryness, coastal conditions and is frost hardy. Prune after flowering to maintain compact growth.
Ideal for shrub borders, this decorative plant is also ideal for seaside gardens and for informal and formal hedges as well as screening.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.
Callistemon Mr Foster
Callistemon Mr Foster
For most of the year, this evergreen shrub produces a profusion of large, dark red bottlebrush flowers, with peak flowering in Spring and Autumn.
Grow in a sunny to partly shaded position. Good in most soils including poor and wet soils. Tolerant of light frosts and coastal conditions. Prune behind spent flower heads.
Ideal screening and hedging plant. A decorative shrub for use as display and birds are attracted to the flowers.
Height 4m. Width 2m.

Pachyphyllus Viridis

Rocky Rambler

Rocky Rambler
Callistemon Rocky Rambler
Callistemon Rocky Rambler
Callistemon ‘Rocky Rambler’ is a dwarf form of Callistemon pearsonii. Masses of bright red bottlebrush flowers with prominent gold stamens on the branch tips in the Summer. An easy care plant, just a quick tip prune once or twice a year is all it needs to encourage a more dense habit and to tidy up old flowers. Likes sun to part shade and adapts to most soils. Tolerates dry spells and frost. The ground covering dense habit gives shelter to small wildlife.
Great for hot dry areas, coastal gardens.
- Great plant for attracting bees and birds.
- A prostrate form so will stay small and compact.
Height 50cm. Width 1m.
Callistemon v. Genoa Glory
​Callistemons have this special character; an inner glow which enhances a mere ‘colour’ to something extraordinary. The sight is even more entrancing when the honeyeaters are hanging off the brushes ~ they too can’t get enough.
Callistemon v. Genoa Glory
​Callistemons have this special character; an inner glow which enhances a mere ‘colour’ to something extraordinary. The sight is even more entrancing when the honeyeaters are hanging off the brushes ~ they too can’t get enough.
If you’re wanting a mid-sized shrub for screening or hedging, or a cluster to catch the eye at the bottom of the garden, Callistemon 'Genoa Glory' will do the trick. In Spring, it’s loaded with purple-pink brushes that have a lustre you’d expect to see in a ruby or an amethyst.
For truly spectacular flowering, full sun is best but even half a day of sunshine will keep it and the birds happy. Prune hard after flowering; new growth and even more flowers will flourish.
Easily grown in cool to warm climates, in all soils (except very alkaline) and tolerant of quite wet to quite dry conditions, it will do well by the coast and copes with moderate frosts. For truly spectacular flowering, full sun is best but even half a day of sunshine will keep it and the birds happy. Prune hard after flowering; new growth and even more flowers will flourish.
Height 2.5m. Width 2m.

Genoa Glory

Callistemon pallidus or the Lemon Bottlebrush is a popular ornamental shrub and is useful as a featured specimen or as a screen.
Callistemon Red Clusters​
Callistemon Red Clusters​
A low branching, busy tree which bears a profusion of showy red, bottle-brush flowers in Spring.
Callistemon are hardy, adaptable plants that grow in the poorest soils and can withstand some water-logging, coastal exposure and short periods of dryness. Best performance in full sun but will tolerate light part shade.
Lightly prune behind spent flowers every year to promote bushy growth.
Ideal for hedges, screening and make excellent plants for background planting and on coastal street berms.
Watch more birds visit your garden when you plant Callistemons, not one - plant A group of Callistemon!
Height 2.5m. Width 1.5m.
Callistemon Pallidus
Lemon Bottlebrush
Callistemon Pallidus
Lemon Bottlebrush
Upright in form, with spreading branches that are quite slender and mid-green tapered leaves that are hairy when young. The flowers are profuse, cylindrical shaped, up to 100mm long and a vibrant lemon yellow colour, often covering the entire shrub with colour from Spring through to Summer. Cup shaped seed capsules mature from the spent flower-heads.
Prefers well drained, moist soils in full sun or partial shade. Tolerates light frost and coastal exposure.
Periodic pruning will help keep it tight and neat, especially after flowering is over.
Great for coastal gardens.
Height 3m+. Width 2m+.

Red Clusters
A vibrant display when established, shape retained and flowering their heads off!

Callistemon Viridiflorus
Mountain Bottlebrush
Callistemon Viridiflorus
Mountain Bottlebrush
An upright evergreen shrub. Can be sparsely branched if not well trimmed when young. Produces clusters of cream/green bottlebrush flowers late Spring and Summer.
Plant in full sun.
It is a reasonably hardy, frost tolerant plant. Soils should be light to medium, moist but well drained. Prune to shape and size once flowering has finished to keep the plant busy and to enhance flowering the following season.
Useful plant for hedging and as a screen plant or as a feature plant.
Height 1.5m. Width 1m.
Callistemon Western Glory​
Callistemon Western Glory​
The red bottlebrush flowers are produced in abundance in late Spring to Summer, with spot flowering in Autumn as well.
Plant in full sun in an open position to maximise the number of flowers and density of the plant.
It is a fast growing and tough plant - It is able to tolerate salt, wind, drought, frost.
Prune after flowering, which will encourage a fresh flush of foliage growth.
As with most Callistemons, this one is easily grown and will attract bird life to your garden. It can be grown as a screen, hedge, and used as windbreaks. Callistemons are great for coastal gardens,
Height 3m+. Width 3m.

Western Glory

White Anzac

White Anzac
Chamaelaucium Floriferum
The Waxpole Wax​
Chamaelaucium Floriferum
The Waxpole Wax​
Chamelaucium 'floriferum' is a drought tolerant evergreen plant from Western Australia. A tidy compact shrub with attractive white flowers with deep red centres cover the plant in Spring.
Plant Chamelaucium 'floriferum' in full sun, it is adaptable to a wide range of soil types.
Old spent flower heads should be pruned way after flowering, this helps maintain a bush habit and encourages a better display of flowers the following season.
When pruning, avoid cutting back into old wood.
A great plant for coastal conditions and grows well in containers, on it's own or planted in groups in the garden.
Used widely for cut flowers - blooming stems can be cut for floral displays at any time and are long lasting, upto 3 weeks.
Chamelaucium 'floriferum' makes a good garden plant.
Height 1.5m. Width 1m.
Callistemon White Anzac
One of the best white flowered bottlebrushes.
Callistemon White Anzac
One of the best white flowered bottlebrushes.
Dwarf semi-prostrate compact bottlebrush with broad bright green leaves. Masses of pure white bottlebrush flowers produced from Spring to early Summer. Flowers are borne terminally. Flowers are bird attracting.
Adaptable to a wide range of well drained soil types in an open sunny situation. Frost hardy. Provide one substantial watering per week during the first Summer or in periods of prolonged dryness after planting to help the plant establish. Drought tolerant once established. Prune back well after flowering to shape and size and this will ensure good flowering the following year. Avoid fertilisers.
- Useful as a low growing plant in a shrub border.
- Ideal ground cover and over banks.
- Tolerates dry sunny conditions, though does prefer summer moisture.
- An excellent plant for coastal gardens.
- Nectar for bees and birds.
Height 1m. Width 1.5m.


Crowea Merricks Dwarf​
Crowea Merricks Dwarf​
A spectacular Crowea - 'Merricks Dwarf' is a small spreading shrub with a great compact growing habit. Prior to flowering it is completely smothered in buds opening to the brightest pink star shaped flowers. It flowers sporadically throughout the year with main flowering being late Summer - Autumn.
Likes well drained moist soils in a partly shaded situation. Frost hardy. Trim after flowering to retain it's compact growth.
Would suit pot culture if container was wide enough to support plant, if planted in shrub border it would be highly recommended to plant in groups, watch the plant grow and be amazed of how bright and colourful flower display is.
Height 50cm. Width 1m.
Correa OMG
Correa OMG
Correa 'O.M.G' is larger than many Correas.
In flower the plant is outstanding with prolific large red bell-shaped flowers.
The flowering period is from Autumn to Winter and the flowers attract nectar eating birds.
Plants will grow in a wide range of soils and can be pruned or trimmed to shape after flowering.
'O.M.G' can be grown in large pots, gardens or as a low hedge. However, mass planting will produce a sensational effect.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.

Merricks Dwarf

Pink Blush
Crowea Pink Blush​
Crowea Pink Blush​
An attractive small shrub flowering from Spring to late Autumn. The pink flower buds open white but take on a pink tinge as they age - pretty star-like flowers in mass.
Suited to light, free draining soil in full sun or partial shade.
Croweas adapt to a wide range of soils. They will accept liquid fertilizer used sparingly, at monthly intervals.
Frost tolerant and appreciate a light trim after flowering to retain their compact growth habit.
Croweas, if desired, can be grown as pot plants, using large pots. They can then be placed on verandahs and patios where they do quite well. As cut flowers, they are highly recommended and last well indoors.
Imagine planting Crowea 'Pink Blush' in a group surrounded by Crowea 'Merricks Dwarf' now that would make an impressive plant border display!
Height 75cm. Width 75cm.
Cryptandra Scortechinii
Cryptandra Scortechinii
Also known as Cotton Bush Cryptandra 'scortechinii ' makes a fabulous feature shrub with its rusty coloured buds, giving way to a mass display of white flowers right through Winter into Spring. It needs good drainage and plenty of sun, so it is a great choice for a rockery, and it will tolerate a bit of frost to - 4°C.
Drought tolerant once established.
Super easy to care for, the only attention it requires is a bit of light pruning and you can achieve that by cutting the flowers for the vase inside through the Winter months and then a light trim coming into Spring. This plant is a perfect choice for the cutting garden in a well drained spot as it will provide you with copious amounts of flowers for cutting and flowers over the Winter when not much else is about for picking.
A perfect choice for a low maintenance garden, great in a pot, and lovely in a cottage garden and of course a cut flower garden. Great addition to a coastal garden.
Height 1m. Width 1m.

Dampiera Purpurea
Dampiera Purpurea​
Dampiera Purpurea​
A small evergreen, attractive Spring flowering shrub bearing deep royal blue flowers in clusters. Prune back well after flowering to maintain compactness and remove past seasons flowering growth.
It is quite hardy, able to grow under a wide range of conditions. However it grows best in sandy soils. It prefers low humidity, is frost tolerant once established and will grow in spotted shade to full sun. It prefers free-draining soil, and does require a small amount of watering.
Honeybees and butterflies have been known to visit the flowers and are thought to pollinate the plant.
Height 1m. Width 1.5m.
Darwinia Taxifolia Red Spires
Darwinia Taxifolia Red Spires
An evergreen semi-spreading plant. The plant is topped with red flowers that sit upright from the foliage in Spring. Flowers contrast nicely on the fine blue-green foliage.
Although will tolerate semi-shade is best planted in a open sunny position for best flowering results.
Drought and frost tolerant once established.
Trim back in Spring.
Height 30cm. Width 75cm.

Eriostemon Bournda Beauty

Red Spires
Eriostemon Bournda Beauty
Wax Flower​
Eriostemon Bournda Beauty
Wax Flower​
A delightful small evergreen shrub with appealing fragrant foliage. It has a compact growth habit. It smothers it's branches with rosey-pink buds which open to white waxy star like flowers during Winter and into Spring.
Plant in free draining acidic soils in an open sunny position.
Will also grow quite happily in dappled shade. Provide one substantial watering per week during the first Summer or in periods of prolonged dryness after planting to help the plant establish. Drought tolerant once established.
A light trim after flowering has finished can enhance flower production the following year and retain the plants shape and size. Will respond to feeding with an acidic shrub fertiliser in late Spring.
- Excellent for cut flower and floral work
- Highly Aromatic
- Attracts Bees
- Ideal for shrub borders
- A great patio container plant
Height 1m. Width 1m.
Eucalyptus Baby Blue
Eucalyptus Baby Blue
If you’re looking for an Australian native shrub that brings year round colour and interest, Eucalyptus 'Baby Blue' is an excellent choice. The leaves are a vivid blue and round in shape, with new growth tips blushing lilac. Cream flowers are produced between May and November, and the large fruits that follow are cup-shaped. Birds, butterflies and bees absolutely love this plant. Use as a feature plant in the landscape, or mix with others as an interesting contrast. Clip back to maintain shape, and use the cut foliage in your floral arrangements to bring the beauty indoors. Tolerant to frost and dry conditions – simply plant in a location that’s full sun to part shade, in well drained soil.
Height 3-4m. Width 2m+.

Eucalyptus Baby Blue

Eucalyptus Forrestiana
Fuchsia Gum​
Eucalyptus Forrestiana
Fuchsia Gum​
Eucalyptus 'forrestiana' - It's most striking feature is the display of bright red flower buds which hang on the tree before opening to reveal clusters of yellow stamens from Autumn through to Spring. Foliage is dark green and the bark is smooth and grey, peeling off in long ribbons during Summer.
Prefers freely draining in a sunny open position. Tolerates drought, light frosts and limited water logging.
An attractive tree suitable for the home garden as well as parks, roadside plantings and windbreaks. Useful for wind erosion control.
Attracts native birds to the garden.
Height 7m. Width 5m.
Eutaxia Obovata Nana
Eutaxia Obovata Nana
A delicate dwarf plant that bears masses of orange and yellow pea like flowers in Winter to Spring.
It likes an open sunny situation and will adapt to most free draining soil types. It is both drought and reasonably frost tolerant once established. It is also able to handle coastal environments. Trim lightly once flowering has finished. Responds to feeding with a shrub fertiliser in late Spring.
Ideal plant for patio containers or in a wide range of landscape uses.
Height 50cm. Width 50cm.

Obovata Nana


Hypocalymma A. Coconut Ice​
Hypocalymma A. Coconut Ice​
A small delicate shrub with fine wispy stems that produce masses of pink buds in late Winter which open to rosy- pink dainty flowers. Growth habit can be upright but with a slight weeping habit.
This plant is most suited to acidic free draining sandy soils in an open sunny situation. Once established can tolerate periods of prolonged dryness. To help establish it after planting provide one substantial watering per week during the first Summer or in periods of prolonged dryness. It will respond well to pruning after flowering has finished this will ensure good flowering the following year. Will respond to careful application of acidic shrub fertilisers.
Plant individually or in groups for better effect.
Flowers are excellent for floral work.
Height 1m. Width 1m.
Hardenbergia 'Regent'
Transform your garden into an evergreen oasis with this beautiful, Australian plant.
Hardenbergia 'Regent'
Transform your garden into an evergreen oasis with this beautiful, Australian plant.
'Regent' is a specially chosen form of Hardenbergia Violacea. It is hardy and is a fast growing shrub that produces leathery, dark green leaves and long delicate sprays of purple, pea like flowers from Winter to Spring. Frost hardy.
'Regent' grows best in full sun and tolerates a wide range of soil types. Plants can be pruned after flowering. It also attracts native butterflies, bees and birds.
Add charm to your outdoor space with this plant, looks great planted in groups and can be grown in pots for your patio.
Height 1m. Width 75cm.

Coconut Ice

Virgins Choice
Hypocalymma A. Virgins Choice
Hypocalymma A. Virgins Choice
A small delicate shrub with fine wispy stems that produce masses of white buds in late Winter which open to pure white dainty flowers. Growth habit can be upright but with a slight weeping habit.
This plant is most suited to acidic free draining sandy soils in an open sunny situation. Once established can tolerate periods of prolonged dryness. To help establish it after planting provide one substantial watering per week during the first Summer or in periods of prolonged dryness. It will respond well to pruning after flowering has finished this will ensure good flowering the following year. Will respond to careful application of acidic shrub fertilisers.
Plant individually or in groups for better effect.
Flowers are excellent for floral work.
Height 1m. Width 1m.
Hypocalymma C. Golden Veil​
Hypocalymma C. Golden Veil​
Hypocalymma cordifolium, 'Golden Veil' has striking attractive variegated foliage that is both sweet and spicy when bruised.
The leaves are held on attractive red stems and are green with yellow margins. Both a dainty and unusual this plant with a weeping habit the rosey tipped ends appear in Spring.
Hypocalymma 'Golden Veil' grows best in well drained position and loves all day full on sun. This plant has low water requirements once established so is quite drought tolerant, but it does appreciate shelter from strong winds. Protect plants from frost. These plants require a lime free soil.
A great choice for mass plantings and pots.
Great for use as cut foliage in arrangements.
Height 50cm. Width 50cm.

Golden Veil

Leptospermum Dark Night
Leptospermum Dark Night
A stunning new hybrid Leptospermum
released by Te Horo Ornamentals.
Leptospermum Dark Night
A stunning new hybrid Leptospermum
released by Te Horo Ornamentals.
It is a vigorous robust medium sized shrub that produces long stems with deep mauve large flowers in Spring.
Flowers can be randomly produced throughout the year. It will develop into a large shrub with age. Frost hardy to -4°C once established.
Suited to a range of free draining soils in full sun. Will adapt to part shade but flower will lose it's vibrancy.
Trim well once flowering has finished to shape and size.
Ideal plant for use in shrub borders where vibrancy and colour is wanted.
Height 2m. Width 2m.
Leptospermum Merinda
​Leptospermum 'Merinda' is one of a number of colourful cultivars developed at Bywong Nursery at Bungendore, New South Wales.
Leptospermum Merinda
​Leptospermum 'Merinda' is one of a number of colourful cultivars developed at Bywong Nursery at Bungendore, New South Wales.
L. 'Merinda' has vibrant magenta flowers with green centres that cover the bush in colour in late Spring. Early growth of this plant is cascading/spreading but it will develop into a small shrub.
Leptospermum 'Merinda' is a very attractive cultivar which has become very popular.
'Merinda' will grow in a wide range of soil types and climates. Open sunny positions are preferred. Plants can be pruned after flowering to promote dense growth and promote flowering for the next season.
The compact growth makes it ideal for planting in small gardens and courtyards. It also forms an attractive tub plant or can be mass planted in feature areas.
In any situation 'Merinda' will give your garden a bright splash of colour.
Height 1m. Width 1m.


Mesmer Eyes

Mesmer Eyes

Mesmer Eyes
Leptospermum Outrageous
A plant that creates impact in the garden.​
Leptospermum Outrageous
A plant that creates impact in the garden.​
Leptospermum 'Outrageous' is a medium shrub with drooping branches. You will be stunned by the abundance of deep red flowers that appear in Spring. The flowers have a green centre.
Leptospermum 'Outrageous' is a very attractive cultivar which has become very sought after, it is fast growing and should suit most soil types.
Performs best in full sun but will grow in partial shade. Trim back after flowering to maintain shape and size.
Attracts a wide range of nectar feeding insects. Attracts birds into the garden.
Useful as a screen or informal hedge.
Height 2m. Width 1.5m.
Leptospermum Mesmer Eyes
‘Mesmer Eyes’ is an eye-catching plant that could be used as a foreground shrub in garden beds.
Leptospermum Mesmer Eyes
‘Mesmer Eyes’ is an eye-catching plant that could be used as a foreground shrub in garden beds.
‘Mesmer Eyes’ is a very hardy medium sized shrub.
It has large flowers that occur in Spring, opening white and changing to pink as they age. The colour change gives the plant a delightful two-toned appearance.
The large flowers have dark centers and stamens that resemble eye lashes (This gave rise to the name ‘Mesmer Eyes’).
Grows best in full sun but will grow in partial shade.
‘Mesmer Eyes’ is both drought hardy and frost tolerant once established.
Good for small gardens or large pots. Ideal in a feature spot where the two toned flowers will make quite a show. Excellent trimmed as a hedge plant.
It can be planted in mixed shrub beds or native gardens.
This plant responds well to pruning and can be trained as a topiary plant.
Great for bringing in nectar feeding insects beneficial to the garden when flowering.
Height 1.5m. Width 1m.


Leptospermum Pageant
Ideal in a feature spot - makes quite a show.
Leptospermum Pageant
Ideal in a feature spot - makes quite a show.
Leptospermum 'Pageant' is a low spreading shrub that has a beautiful mass display during Spring, when smothered in purple flowers.
It will grow in a wide range of soils and climates.
Perfect for large tubs and small gardens.
Trim after flowering to maintain its shape and size. More regular trimming will retain its compactness.
- Excellent planted on mass or individually to create a vibrant garden
- Attracts bees
- frost hardy once established
- great container plant or for smaller gardens
- Flowers smother the plant in Spring for a beautiful display
Height 1.5m. Width 2m.
Leptospermum Tickled Pink
Add a great splash of colour to your garden.
Leptospermum Tickled Pink
Add a great splash of colour to your garden.
Leptospermum ‘Tickled Pink’ is a show stopping tea-tree that flowers profusely, smothered in vibrant pink in Spring..
It is a very hardy shrub and will grow well in most positions.
Prefers full sun but will grow in part shade.
Trim regularly to promote a dense hedge. Can be cut back severely if required. Fertilise after flowering.
- Great plant for screening and hedges
- Attracts Bees
- Excellent planted on mass or individually to create a vibrant garden
- Hardy plant that will tolerate most conditions
- Flowers smother the plant in Spring for a beautiful display
Height 1.5-2m. Width 1.5-2m.

Tickled Pink

Frosty Tops

Frosty Tops
Lomandra Lime Tuff
​Tuff as they come...
Lomandra Lime Tuff
​Tuff as they come...
During the last decade or so, lomandras have become very popular among kiwi landscape professionals and gardeners. They’re a top choice among grasses and groundcovers, renowned for their ability to retain their good looks in situations where other grasses fail to impress.
‘Lime Tuff’ (aka Lomandra longifolia x confertifolia spp.pallida) is proving to be one of the best Lomandra selections yet, bred for its compact growth habit and fine lime green foliage that stays lush all year round. Small yellow spikes add colour and fragrance in summer.
Suited to cool temperatures, tropical and semi-arid climates this little beauty is extremely hardy as it tolerates both frost and dry conditions. ‘Lime Tuff’ thrives in full sun or partial shade.
Outstanding as a low maintenance container plant, it also excels when mass planted for bold effect. ‘Lime Tuff’ looks fabulous with rocks, beside water features or planted along pathways.
Height 60-80cm. Width 40-60m.

Lime Tuff
Lomandra Frosty Tops
Lomandra Frosty Tops
A dense stylish landscape plant with graceful, lightly weeping, fine grey-green foliage with silver-frosted new growth.
In Spring and Summer, yellow flowers on purple-grey stems are set amongst the foliage.
Plant in full sun or partial shade. Tolerant of most soil types as long as the drainage is adequate. Drought tolerant.
For best results fertilise in early Spring or late Summer.
They’re hardy, versatile, low maintenance choices for compact borders, pathway edging or the ‘icing on the cake’ in rock work in bold landscapes.
And you can grow any of them in containers for balconies & patio displays.
Height 40cm. Width 50cm.
Lomandras are a collection of multi-purpose mat rushes. Some are planted for foliage and habit, and others display special flowering attributes. Upright or weeping, purple-grey or green-leaved, they thrive in well drained clay loams or gravelly soils; cool moist to hot dry climates are all suitable, in inland or coastal sites. And yes, they are frost hardy.
Look no further. They’re hardy, versatile, low maintenance choices for compact borders, pathway edging or the ‘icing on the cake’ in rock work in bold landscapes.
And you can grow any of them in containers for balconies & patio display ~ a bonus to the busy person who will get a lot of pleasure with not much effort.

Lime Tuff

Lime Tuff
One amazing little Aussie critter!

Lime Tuff

Micromyrtus Ciliata​
Micromyrtus Ciliata​
A low semi spreading shrub with a tidy growth habit. Branches arch gracefully when smothered by masses of tiny white flowers which age to pink and then red. Flowering occurs over a prolonged period starting in Winter going on into Spring.
Ideally suited to acidic light free draining soils in full sun.
Frost tolerant to -5 °C
Trim plants back once flowering has finished.
- Foliage is quite aromatic when crushed.
- Excellent cutflower.
- Ideal for use in patio containers.
- Mass plant for effect in landscape use.
Height 50cm. Width 1m.
Micromyrtus Ciliata Snowdrift
Fringed Heath Myrtle
Micromyrtus Ciliata Snowdrift
Fringed Heath Myrtle
An attractive low growing shrub with fine-delicate arching branches of pure white long lasting flowers during Winter into Spring. Foliage is quite aromatic when crushed.
Best suited to acidic free draining soils in full sun.
Frost tolerant to -3C.
Plants can be pruned back after flowering has finished to enhance the following seasons flowering.
- Useful as a patio container plant.
- Mass plant for increased effect in landscaping.
- The branches massed with flower are excellent for use in floral art.
Height 50cm. Width 1m+.

Just Blush

Ciliata Snowdrift
Ozothamnus Just Blush
Rice Flower​
Ozothamnus Just Blush
Rice Flower​
Ozothamnus 'Just Blush' is a small shrub with an open habit that has aromatic leaves but is prized for its clusters of flowers. The buds are almost into purple shades before they open to tones of mauve pink.
This plant flowers in both Winter and Spring.
Plants like good drainage - a great coastal plant as happy in sandy soil and happy in full sun or part shade. Tolerates light frost.
If you are using for cutting, then trimming will encourages a fresh flush of new blooms, and you can continue to do this throughout the season, it will also help to keep the plant more compact.
A pretty addition to the garden, as a feature plant or this plant even performs will in a pot as once established it has low water needs so is quite drought tolerant once established.
This must have shrub is a beautiful addition to the garden, can be used as a feature plant in all forms of landscaping or planted for cut flower - flowers are excellent for both cutting and drying.
Loved by bees and butterflies.
This cultivar is widely grown for the cut flower trade.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.
Height 3m+. Width 3m+.
Ozothamnus Royal Flush
Rice Flower
Ozothamnus Royal Flush
Rice Flower
Ozothamnus 'Royal Flush' is a small shrub with an open habit that has aromatic leaves but is prized for its clusters of flowers. The buds are almost cerise opening to a deep rosy red.
This plant flowers in both Winter and Spring.
Plants like good drainage - a great coastal plant as happy in sandy soil and happy in full sun or part shade. Tolerates light frost.
If you are using for cutting, then trimming will encourages a fresh flush of new blooms, and you can continue to do this throughout the season, it will also help to keep the plant more compact.
A pretty addition to the garden, as a feature plant or this plant even performs will in a pot as once established it has low water needs so is quite drought tolerant once established.
This must have shrub is a beautiful addition to the garden, can be used as a feature plant in all forms of landscaping or planted for cut flower - flowers are excellent for both cutting and drying.
Loved by bees and butterflies.
This cultivar is widely grown for the cut flower trade.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.

Royal Flush

Royal Flush

Springtime White
Ozothamnus Springtime White
Rice Flower​
Ozothamnus Springtime White
Rice Flower​
Ozothamnus 'Springwood White' is a small shrub with an open habit that has aromatic leaves but is prized for its clusters of flowers.
A mass of white small rice shaped paper like flowers.
This plant flowers in both Winter and Spring.
Plants like good drainage - a great coastal plant as happy in sandy soil and happy in full sun or part shade. Tolerates light frost.
If you are using for cutting, then trimming will encourages a fresh flush of new blooms, and you can continue to do this throughout the season, it will also help to keep the plant more compact.
A pretty addition to the garden, as a feature plant or this plant even performs will in a pot as once established it has low water needs so is quite drought tolerant once established.
This must have shrub is a beautiful addition to the garden, can be used as a feature plant in all forms of landscaping or planted for cut flower - flowers are excellent for both as fresh as they are long lasting, dried or preserved.
Loved by bees and butterflies.
This cultivar is widely grown for the cut flower trade.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.
Pheballium Glandulosum
Desert Phebalium
Pheballium Glandulosum
Desert Phebalium
Phebalium 'glandulosum', commonly known as desert phebalium, is a species of shrub that is endemic to eastern Australia. It has glandular-warty stems covered with silvery to rust-coloured scales, wedge-shaped leaves that are scaly on the lower surface, and yellow flowers arranged on the ends of branchlets in Spring.
It is slow growing and after flowering it is important to trim it to retain it's compactness and rounded habit.
Phebalium 'glandulosum' is not common and is grown mainly by Australian plant enthusiasts. It is a hardy and attractive plant for gardens. It prefers well drained soils and withstands dry conditions once established. The plant performs best in a well drained, sunny to slightly sheltered position (but not dense shade).
Grows well in containers for the patio and used in all types of landscapes - plant individually or as a group for more effect.
Height 1m. Width 1m.


Gold Nugget
Pheballium Gold Nugget​
Pheballium Gold Nugget​
An attractive compact rounded shrub. Puts on a stunning display of golden yellow flowers in Spring. Flowers will often smother the entire bush. It is adaptable to a wide range of soil types that are acidic and well-drained. The plant is drought and reasonably frost tolerant once established.
Lightly trim after flowering to shape.
- Produces a mass display of yellow flowers in Spring
- Attracts bees
- Great plant for all types of landscaping. Individual or mass planting.
- Coastal tolerant
- Can be used for a container plant
'Gold Nugget' is a plant worth its weight in gold and absolutely smothered in buds breaking into an array of golden yellow flowers in Spring.
Height 1.2m. Width 1.2m.
Prostanthera Cuneata
Alpine Mint Bush
Prostanthera Cuneata
Alpine Mint Bush
A sprawling shrub with small, soft, rounded leaves that are strongly aromatic. During Summer is bears masses of showy, white or pale lilac flowers with purple blotches on the throat.
Prefers humus rich, well drained soil. Tolerates short periods of dryness. Prune after flowering taking care not to cut into old wood without leaves.
Plant in full sun or part shade. Frost tolerant.
A great addition to rockeries, borders and growing in containers.
Height 60cm. Width 1m.



Prostanthera Rotundifolia
Australian Mint Bush / Round-Leaf Mint Bush​
Prostanthera Rotundifolia
Australian Mint Bush / Round-Leaf Mint Bush​
One of the most attractive of the Australian mint bushes, this species has small, rounded grey leaves and produces many small lavender flowers over a long period. Hardy to about -5 °C.
From the wonderful group of Australian, shrubby mints - Brush past this mint bush and you are enveloped in a cloud of cool fragrance. Abundant pale purple flowers in Spring and early Summer. Shear lightly for repeat bloom and retain plant shape.
Sun and moist, fertile, well-drained soil.
Plant in a protected spot away from strong winds and protect from frost.
A worthy addition to your garden.
Height 2.5m. Width 1m+.
Tetratheca Bi Bells
Tetratheca Bi Bells
A small low growing shrub with a semi erect habit. Masses of deep mauve purple flowers are produced from Autumn to Spring.
It Prefers light to medium well drained soil in an open sunny position. Drought and frost tolerant once established.
- Mild frost tolerant
- Perfect for containers
- Smothers itself in bright mauve flowers
- Ideal for rockeries
- Creates a colourful low growing border
Height 30cm. Width 30cm.

Bi Bells
Thryptomene Gold Tips
Thryptomene Gold Tips
An attractive plant when in flower.
Has fine feathery foliage that develop a golden hue to the tips of the foliage in late Winter early Spring, this at the same time that it is smothered with small pink flowers crowded along the branches.
A very colourful plant when in full flower.
It likes an open sunny situation in free draining acidic soils. It is quite drought tolerant once established and will withstand mild frosts once established.
It is also able to handle coastal environments.
Trim lightly once flowering is finished. Responds well to feeding with a shrub slow release fertiliser in late Spring.
Useful plant in all areas of landscape use. Looks stunning when mass planted. Compliments 'Thryptomene saxicola White' if planted in unison.
The slender branches when smothered with flowers are quite useful in floral work.
Height 1m. Width 1m.

Saxicola White

Gold Tips
Thryptomene Saxicola White
rock thryptomene​
Thryptomene Saxicola White
rock thryptomene​
An attractive low growing plant. Branches grow horizontally. It gains height each year as the branching layers up. The branches are quite robust. Masses of small white flowers cover the branches to the tips. A young plant can look like a carpet of white. When in full flower branches are very useful for cutflower as the flowers have good lasting qualities.
It likes an open sunny situation in free draining acidic soils. It is quite drought tolerant once established and will withstand mild frosts once established. It is also able to handle coastal environments. Trim lightly once flowering has finished. Responds to feeding with a slow release shrub fertiliser in late Spring.
Useful plant in all areas of landscape use.
Looks stunning when mass planted. Due to low growth habit plant in front of the shrub border.
Height 50cm. Width 1.5m.
Westringia Grey Box
Westringia Grey Box
'Grey Box™ Westringia' provides great colour contrast with grey foliage and white flowers from September – May. Great as a hedge or left unpruned in its natural ball shape. A great drought tolerant alternative to English Box.
Plant in full sun to light shade. Suits most soil types. Tolerates frost and drought.
Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established. Plant in a well mulched garden (chunky mulch is recommended). If required use slow release fertiliser in spring. Leave unpruned in its tidy natural shape or prune to shape 1-3 times a year after flowering (this depends on your requirements, more frequent pruning will provide a tidier shape).
Great for Hedges, borders, containers and mass plantings.
Height 45cm. Width 45cm.

Grey Box
All of these Westringias are bred in Australia from originally native plants and are tough, drought resistant and tolerant of cold conditions. They will grow in light shade to full sun, coastal positions and in virtually any reasonably well drained soil. Requiring virtually no care requirements, they have the added bonus of flowering against their appealing foliage. A little trimming to shape is recommended, although even left alone they remain compact and true to shape. Feed with a good quality slow release fertiliser in spring. These plants are a great alternative to Buxus and many other choices, establishing quickly and suffering virtually no disease or problems often associated with difficult locations.
They make stunning layered hedges and look great planted in any combination together, either randomly or in formal hedge style plantings.