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Banksia Selection

Banksia Attenuata


Banksia Baueri 

Possum Banksia

A fuzzy flowering shrub - 'Banksia baueri' develops a mounding habit to around 5-6' high and slightly wider. The large flowers develop during the cooler months and persist throughout the year. Each flower head can grow to 6" wide by 9" tall and is extremely soft to the touch. Provide this banksia with full sun and good drainage. Tolerates coastal exposure. Little to no pruning is necessary during its early years. Hardy to around 26 °F.

A small to medium sized shrub with spreading branches and serrated, dark green leaves. The huge, grey/orange, woolly flower-spikes are produced in Winter and Spring.

A decorative banksia, useful as a low windbreak or to control soil erosion. The flowers can be cut for indoor display.

Height 2m. Width 2m.

Banksia Attenuata 

A dwarf form of the species, this Banksia bears a profusion of showy, yellow, candle-like flowers from Spring to Autumn.

Thrives in any well drained soil in full sun or partial shade, tolerating extended dry periods and frost when established. Prune after flowering but do not cut into the old wood.

An ideal low hedge or specimen tree. The flowers are bird attracting, and grown commercially for the cut flower trade.


Height 2m. Width 2m.

Banksia Baueri


Banksia Baxterii


Banksia Baxterii

Banksia 'baxteri', commonly known as Baxter's banksia or bird's nest banksia, is a species of shrub that is endemic to Western Australia. It has greyish brown bark, hairy stems, deeply serrated leaves with triangular lobes and lemon-yellow flowers in an oval flower spike that grows on the end of branches. The triangular, toothed leaves add to the attraction.

Grow in freely draining soil in a sunny, open position. Prune after flowering to maintain compact growth.

Cultivate soil before planting, dig the hole twice the width of the container. 

Remove plant from container and place into the hole so the soil level is the same as the surrounding ground. Fill hole firmly and water in well even if the soil is moist.

Ideal for informal hedges and low wind-breaks. Suitable for roadside and rural planting.

The flowers can be used for indoor decoration.


Height 3m+. Width 3m+.

Banksia Birthday Candles 

This evergreen shrub has dense green foliage and spectacular golden-yellow flowers in Autumn and Winter that resemble upright candles. Its mounded shape makes it a great border plant or a miniature hedge.

Use secateurs to remove spent flowers to promote new growth. Trim to shape in Spring or later Summer. Fertilise in early Spring/late Summer with controlled release low phosphorus fertiliser. (eg. Osmocote 8-9 month).

It's very striking when mass planted, featured in rockeries or as a specimen plant in a pot.

Hardy and frost tolerant with striking flowers that will attract native wildlife, bees, nectar-eating birds and butterflies into your garden.


Height 45cm. Width 50cm.

Banksia Birthday Candles

Birthday Candles

Banksia Blechnifolia


Banksia Blechnifolia


Banksia Blechnifolia

This is an ornamental prostrate shrub with horizontal branches spreading along the ground and leathery, deeply lobed foliage held vertically up to 0.5 metre high. Its upright and showy, cylindrical flowers occur at ground level mainly in Spring and range in colour from dusky pink or red, cream, rusty orange and brown. The hairy new growth is also a feature and can be dusky pink, red or rust coloured.

Banksia 'blechnifolia' can form a dense ground cover and is suited to growing around the base of more upright shrubs, on an embankment, or creeping over a retaining wall to display the flowers. It has low maintenance requirements and is relatively drought tolerant, although watering during the establishment phase and dry periods will promote more rapid growth.


Height 20cm. Width 1.5m.


Banksia Brownii

An elegant, evergreen tree with small, long, green serrated foliage. Large orange-red, candle-like flowers appear in Autumn through Winter. Banksia brownii has low water requirements once established, deep watering during extended periods of heat will benefit the plant. 

This plant loves the beach and prefers to be planted in sandy well drained soils in an open sunny position.

Great for

  • Use in general landscaping
  • Mass planting
  • Coastal gardens
  • Australian Native garden plantings
  • Rockery gardens
  • Border plantings
  • Nectar attracts Native birds
  • Feature plant

Height 3m. Width 2m.


Feather Leafed Banksia



Banksia Coccinea

Scarlet Banksia​

The Scarlet Banksia is one of the most striking Banksias. It is a medium sized plant that can be quite long lived once established. The bright red terminal flowers are produced throughout late Winter and Spring.

Banksia 'Coccinea' requires an open sunny position in a deep free draining acidic soil. Pick flowers for floral use as a form of pruning. Prune after flowering has finished to enhance flower production the next year.

The flowers are not only sought after for floral work but are bird attracting also.

A very appealing and sought after Banksia, ask for it at your local Garden Centre. Great accent tree, looks great planted in groups and more suited to a larger garden and loves coastal conditions.


Height 2-3m. Width 2m+.

Banksia Ericafolia

Heath Banksia

Evergreen tree with heath-like foliage and orange-red flowers appearing in Autumn - Winter, native to Australia and named after the botanist Joseph Banks who originally collected Banksia ericifolia in 1770. Bright green, linear leaves, 1-3 cm long, 1 mm wide, usually with two small teeth near the tips. Erect, cylindrical, orange to red flower spikes, 7-20 cm long, 5 cm across, followed by cone-like seed-bearing structures. Individual flowers with long, wiry, hooked styles. 

Prefers a sunny or partially shaded position in well-drained, slightly acidic soil. No or light pruning only to maintain shape and keep compact. Tolerates drought and light frosts.

Flowers last well in water.

Great for

  • Great for Hedge and providing Screens
  • Beautiful specimen for flower display
  • Coastal gardens
  • Flowers great for floristry
  • Attracts birds feeding on nectar
  • Accent/Feature plant

Height 3m. Width 2m.


Banksia Gardnerii Var Gardnerii


Banksia Gardnerii Var Gardnerii

Gardnerii Var Gardnerii

Banksia Gardnerii Var Gardnerii

Banksia 'gardnerii', commonly known as prostrate banksia. 

From Autumn to Spring, this prostrate banksia bears large, cylindrical, golden yellow flowers, which nestle amongst the serrated, glossy leaves. The flowers can be 20cm long.

Prefers moist, well drained soil in a sunny to partly shaded position.

Ideal for coastal planting as it tolerates strong winds and salt spray. Drought and frost hardy. Benefits from the addition of a small amount of lime to the soil.


Height 1.5m. Width 2m.

Banksia Giant Candles

The massive flower spikes up to 40cm long are the outstanding feature of this cultivar. 

A very adaptable plant that makes a fantastic medium sized screen as well as a great cut flower. Birds are attracted to the nectar rich flowers, which are long lasting both on the plant and as cut flowers. 

Flowers best in full sun, prefers well drained soils. 

Prefers a sunny or partially shaded position in well-drained, slightly acidic soil. 

Great for

  • Great for Hedge and providing Screens
  • Beautiful specimen for flower display
  • Coastal gardens
  • Lasting cutflower
  • Attracts birds feeding on nectar
  • Accent/Feature plant

Height 3m. Width 2m.

Giant Candles

Banksia Grandis

Bull Banksia

Banksia Grandis


Banksia Grandis

Bull Banksia

A large shrub to small tree with unusual deeply serrated large leaves. The large cream flower heads are made up of masses of individual flowers. Flowering is usually late Summer to Autumn.

Prefers well drained acidic soils in full sun. Provide regular moisture in first Summer during periods of prolonged dry. Once established is tolerant of dry conditions.

Makes a great feature plant with it's deep green foliage and huge flower heads which also attract bird life.


Height 3m. Width 2.5m.

Banksia Grandis

Low Coastal

A select low growing form of the Bull Banksia. It has a low wide spreading growth habit. A mature plant will produce many large creamy yellow flower heads which are borne terminally in late Spring/Summer. An ideal source of nectar for nectar loving birds.

Plant in an open sunny situation in a free draining acidic soil. It is drought tolerant once established. Some selective pruning and shaping can be done after flowering has finished.

A striking shrub for a shrub border or larger rockery. Excellent for coastal gardens.

Height 1.5m. Width 2.5m.


Coast Banksia

Banksia Integrifolia

Coast Banksia

A tree of 'stature' with rough fissured grey bark and dull grey/green leaves. From Autumn to Spring it produces a profusion of long, bright yellow flower spikes, followed by silvery-grey cones.

Grow in a sunny position in well drained soil. Tolerates coastal conditions, windy exposed sites and frost. 

Benefits from Summer watering. Prune back hard to your desired height after flowering.

The flowers provide winter colour, and if you love Tuis and nectar feeding birds then look for a position you are able to plant one in your garden.

Foliage and flowers great for floral use.

Ideal as a specimen or used as a shelter tree, for coastal gardens and erosion control.

Height 10m+. Width 5m.

Banksia Lemon Delicious

A compact hybrid Banksia with soft narrow bright green foliage. Flowers have a lemon bud opening to a gold/lemon flower. Flowering can be over a long period from late Winter to Summer. Bird attracting plant.

Plant in an open sunny situation. Adaptable to a wide range of free draining soil types. It is drought tolerant once established. Frost tolerant to -4°C. Coastal tolerant. Prune back after flowering to maintain shape and size.

A striking shrub for any border and coastal garden. The flowers borne both terminally and within the bush. Terminal flowers are excellent for floral use.

Height 1.5m. Width 2m.

Banksia Lemon Delicious

Lemon Delicious

Banksia Media Prostrate

Media Prostrate

Banksia Media

Prostrate Form

A desirable prostrate form - squat, cylindrical flowers are produced from Autumn into Spring and while generally a yellow shade and may vary to orange tones and even bear mauve tips. The flowers sit erect on the spreading branches.

Easily grown in most well drained soils. Prefers full sun and will tolerate light frost to -5 ºC.

A low spreading shrub. Bearing bright yellow flowers .  Ideal coastal plant. 

Height 30cm. Width Prostrate


Banksia Menziesii

Firewood Banksia

'Banksia menziesii' is a spectacular Dwarf Banksia that is also known as the Firewood, or Menzies Banksia. This beautiful plant is a stunning ornamental for the garden or pot as it has large flower heads and serrated grey to green coloured foliage. The large flowers start off pink/red, changing to yellow as they open and release their wiry golden styles, making quite a show and attracting nectar eating birds from far and wide. Suitable as a cut flower, the flower spikes retain colour for a long time in the vase and are also great for drying.

They require a well drained open position and are particularly suited to growing in coastal areas. Drought and frost tolerant once established, Banksia will grow better if watered regularly in dry conditions. 

Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.

Banksia Orange Candles

Coast Banksia

A Banksia ericafolia hybrid with an erect growth habit. Flower buds are lemon yellow opening to orange gold flowers. Flower cones upto 30cm long. Flowers from Spring to early Summer. Great for bringing in the birds to your garden.

 Ideally suited to an open sunny situation. Adaptable to many soil types. Responds well to pruning to maintain shape and size.

A striking shrub for any shrub border and coastal garden. 

The flowers can be used in floral work.

Height 2.5m. Width 1.5m.

Orange Candles

Banksia Ornata Caramel




Banksia Ornata Grey

Desert Banksia

An erect yet somewhat spreading shrub. A mature plant will produce many attractive coppery ginger flower heads either individually or in clusters usually terminally. Flowering commences in late Summer and continues into early Winter.

Prefers an open sunny situation in a well drained acidic soil. During the first Summer after planting provide one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged dryness. Becomes drought tolerant once established. 

If feeding is required use a low P slow release fertiliser. Trim to shape and size in late Spring if required.

A striking shrub when in full flower ideal for many uses. Excellent food source for birds.

Height 2.5m. Width 1.5m.

Banksia Ornata Caramel

Desert Banksia

An erect yet somewhat spreading shrub. A mature plant will produce many attractive coppery ginger flower heads either individually or in clusters usually terminally. Flowering commences in late Summer and continues into early Winter.

Prefers an open sunny situation in a well drained acidic soil. During the first Summer after planting provide one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged dryness. Becomes drought tolerant once established. If feeding is required use a low P slow release fertiliser. Trim to shape and size in late Spring if required.

A striking shrub when in full flower ideal for many uses. Excellent food source for birds.

Height 1.2m. Width 1.5m.

Ornata Grey

Banksia Ornata Grey

Ornata Grey


Banksia Praemorsa Yellow

Usually a large shrub but can grow into a smaller tree in time. Attractive spikes of bright yellow flowers are produced from Winter into Spring. These flower heads are usually visible but can be obscured by foliage. Nectar attracts native birds.

At home in free draining soils in which the pH can range from 5.5 to 7.5. Frost hardy to -4°C once established.

An excellent plant for an open sunny situations. Bird attracting. Is quite at home in coastal situations.

Height 2m. Width 1.5m.

Banksia Praemorsa

Cut Leaf Banksia

Decorative, evergreen shrub with dense, toothed, dark green foliage. Long, velvety flower-spikes are displayed during Autumn, and can be red-purple, yellow or green.

Prefers well drained in a sunny open position. Tolerates coastal exposure, strong winds and light frost. Prune after flowering  to maintain compact growth.

Ideal screen or windbreak  for seaside gardens, and attracting nectar feeding birds.

The flowers can be cut for indoor display.

Height 3m. Width 3m.

Praemorsa Yellow

Banksia Prionotes


Banksia Repens

This extraordinary prostrate Banksia has horizontal branches which may be just below ground level giving the plant the appearance of flower spikes growing directly out of the ground. The leaves of the plant are large and deeply lobed and stand erect. Flowers are usually cream when fully open but may have pink or orange tinges at the bud stage. Best used as a groundcover.

Height 50cm. Width 3m.

Banksia Prionotes

Acorn Banksia

This banksia grows to a tall shrub or small tree, and when in bloom the bright flowers are quite arresting. 

Needs well drained soil and full sun. It withstands moderate frosts, and can handle a bit of coastal exposure. Grows naturally in sandy soils.

Give it a light prune above the green foliage to keep it in good shape.

A very 'impressive' plant in flower. Great as a large container plant, and used commercially for cut flower production.

Height 5m+. Width 4m+.

Banksia Repens


Banksia Robur


Banksia Robur


Banksia Robur 

Swamp Banksia

Banksia robur, the swamp banksia, is a dramatic looking banksia with large serrated leaves. The new growth has a felty coating of brown hairs, which is an attractive feature.

The flowerheads are greenish/yellow , and turn a golden colour then to brown as the flower ages. 

It naturally occurs in damp areas on sandy soils, but is very adaptable to a wide range of conditions and soils. It needs full sun for best flowering, but will grow in part shade. It is hardy to frosts once established, but may need protection from frosts when young. Withstands coastal conditions. 

Great for coastal gardens and bringing birds into the garden.

Height 2m. Width 2m.

Banksia Rollercoaster

A semi prostrate low growing shrub of the taller Coast Banksia. The unusual growth habit gives the impression of a Rollercoaster. It has a vigorous growth habit. The arching branches are topped with creamy yellow flowers in late Summer - Autumn.

Adaptable to a wide range of soils, doing best in full sun however will tolerate light shade. It is very drought tolerant and also frost tolerant. Once established it will handle the most exposed situations and salt laden winds. It will need to be pruned to shape and size/

A great plant for covering exposed slopes or banks particularly in a coastal environment. Brings birds into the garden.

Height 1.5m. Width 3m.

Banksia Rollercoaster


Banksia Rollercoaster


Banksia Serrata


Banksia Serrata

Saw Banksia

A character filled small to medium sized tree with leathery serrated leaves and creamy yellow to brown large flowers in summer. The flowers are followed by decorative grey cones, and the bark is lumpy and bumpy. Best in sandy soils. Great for coastal gardens as it withstands salty winds. A good plant for attracting nectar loving birds and other wildlife, and tuis like feeding on the developing cones.

Ideal for coastal gardens, parks and roadside plantings.

Height 5m+. Width 5m.

Banksia Silver Sceptre

Sceptre Banksia

The Sceptre Banksia is one of the most striking yellow-flowered banksias of all. Its tall bright yellow spikes are terminal and well displayed. Flowering is in summer, mainly December and January.

Endemic to the mid-west sandplains around Geraldton in Western Australia.

Prefers a light well-drained soil in an open sunny position, avoid waterlogged soils. Drought tolerant but frost tender.

Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.

Showy Banksia

Sceptre Banksia

Silver Sceptre

Banksia Speciosa

Showy Banksia

This is a stunning species, as the name suggests, very prominent flowers and interesting geometric leaf formations. The leaves fan out in a circular pattern from the flower bud, creating a remarkable natural pattern. 

It will do best in a very well drained sandy soil with full sun. Also tolerates some coastal exposure.

Flowers throughout the year, makes a great cut flower.

Height 3m+. Width 3m+.

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