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Leucadendron Selection

Leucadendron Ambriosa


Leucadendron Amy​

A erect relatively vigorous growing shrub. Smothers itself in orange/yellow flushed red bracts Autumn to Winter. Adaptable to a wide range of soil types that are well drained. For best colour plant in an open sunny situation. Avoid fertilisers. Pick stems for floral use as a form of pruning. Complete pruning in late Spring. If pruned back well, flowering will be enhanced the following year. Frost tolerant once established. Great coastal plant.


Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Ambriosa

A vigorous upright evergreen shrub. Long stems take on a deep red tone from Autumn through Winter which are topped with attractive deep red star-like bracts that age and develop a cream tone in the centre.

Suited to open sunny situations in free draining acidic soils. Prune to shape and size mid-spring With the long stems makes this plant an excellent cutflower and it's a great coastal addition to the garden.


Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Amy


Leucadendron Argenteum


Leucadendron Argenteum

A striking silver foliaged Leucadendron. Has a rather vigorous growth habit. Female trees can bear silver cones after flowering which become visible in late Summer/Autumn.

Plant in an open sunny situation in a deep free draining acidic soil. One deep watering a week during periods of prolonged dryness in first Summer after planting will aid establishment. Ideal specimen tree in coastal gardens & foliage is useful in floral work.


Height 5m. Width 3m.

Leucadendron Bells Supreme​

Mid length stems of mid sized wine red bracts turning a red cream colour by Spring. Plant in well drained soils in full sun. Avoid fertilisers. Trim well after flowering. Great coastal plant.

Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Bells Supreme

Bells Supreme

Leucadendron Blush Of Dawn

Blush Of Dawn

Leucadendron Bon Bon

A similar hybrid to the older cultivar ‘Cloudbank Ginny’ but with the improved characteristics of better disease resistance, firmer bracts on straighter stems and a more floriferous habit plus a more erect growth. The yellow bracts with red flower mass develop in late Winter into early  Spring. Being a male cultivar, the flowering stems should be picked just before the lower individual flowers begin to open and shed pollen. This will give maximum vase life. This is a compact, rounded shrub prefers full sun for the plant to develop best colour. Light free draining sandy soils are preferable.

Once flowering has finished a light trim to shape is needed.

A great container plant or planted in the shrub border, looks good planted in groups or with other leucadendron varieties. Great for coastal gardens, flowers are long lasting and used as a cut flower or for floral work.

Height 1m. Width 1m.

Leucadendron Blush of Dawn

Blush of Dawn

Leucadendron Blush of Dawn

An attractive erect plant producing straight stems of blushed red bracts. Colour begins in early Autumn and is present through to late Winter when bracts change and take on a more pinkish red tone. Adaptable to a wide range of soil types that are well drained. For best colour plant in an open sunny situation. Pick stems for floral use as a form of pruning.Complete pruning in late Spring. Excellent accent plant in any garden.

Height 1.5m. Width 1m.

Leucadendron Bon Bon

Bon Bon

Leucadendron Bon Bon

Bon Bon

Leucadendron Brooks Red

Brooks Red

Leucadendron Brooks Red​

A rounded tidy growing shrub which is attractive most of the year with its reddish tinged foliage. Its red and yellow bracts are suited for picking. Hardy and suitable to many situations.

Height 1.5m. 

Leucadendron Candy Delight

A vigorous upright plant producing long stems of mid-size candy red bracts from Autumn into Winter. Bract colour then changes in late Winter to red and cream.

Adaptible to a wide range of soil types that are well drained. For best colour plant in an open sunny situation. Pick stems for floral use as a form of pruning. Plants respond to being well pruned in late Spring - this will enhance flower production the following year. Reasonably frost tolerant once established. Avoid fertilisers. Very useful cutflower, excellent garden plant when in full colour during Autumn to Winter.

Height 2m. Width 1m.

Leucadendron Cherry Glow

Cherry Glow

Leucadendron Candy Delight

Candy Delight

Leucadendron Cherry Glow​

A delightful dwarf shrub aptly named for the cherry red flowers that nestle within the slim cream bracts. These are at their showiest in late Winter to Spring and smother the small, rounded shrub. While not a commercial picker, the small flowers have been used by florists and floral artists in posies. It is also a lovely choice for the foreground of shrub borders and rock gardens. Usually frost hardy to -5c, 'Cherry Glow' is a reliable cultivar that is easily grown in most well-drained soils and sunny positions.

Height 50cm. 

Leucadendron Copper Tone

An evergreen shrub with an erect growth habit. It is rather striking when in full bract colour. Coppery bracts develop in early Autumn which change to a coppery gold colour in late Winter to early Spring.

Copper Tone is best suited to well drained lighter acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Not suited to heavier soil types. Provide one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged dryness in the first Summer after planting. Once established is quite drought tolerant. Tolerates mild frost. Pick the long stems as a form of pruning. Once flowering has finished prune the remainder of the long stems to enhance flowering the next season. Excellent cutflower plant and useful accent plant in any garden.


Height 2m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Copper Tone

Copper Tone

Leucadendron Corringle Gold

Corringle Gold

Leucadendron Corringle Gold

An attractive plant with an erect growth and somewhat spreading habit. The golden variegation gives the plant a striking appearance in late Autumn - Spring, Creamy yellow bracts develop in Spring but the real effect of colour is the variegated leaves.

A reasonably hardy plant suited to an open sunny situation in a free draining soil. Likes moisture during periods of prolonged drought. Can be reasonably frost hardy. Prune back after flowering mid-late Spring.

Coastal tolerant.

Ideal as striking contrast plant. Stems can be picked and used for floral work.

Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Cream Bun​

An attractive small compact evergreen shrub that develops appealing cream bracts that are flushed red. To get the best colour it needs a position in full sun in an open airy situation. Soils should be free draining and slightly acidic. Due to it's compact habit it requires only a very light pruning to shape and size once flowering has finished. Provide one deep watering per week during prolonged dryness in the first Summer after planting. A useful plant for rockeries or the front of a shrub border. Will also make a nice patio container plant using a low phosphorous potting mix.

Height 75cm. Width 1m.

Cream Bun

Leucadendron Cream Delight

Cream Delight

Leucadendron Discolor Female​

The juvenile phase of Leucadendron discolor is a small densely bushy shrub. A year or two after planting out it matures and gradually sends up long erect flowering stems. 

One of the distinguishing features of this Leucadendron are the grey-green broadly ovate leaves. Another, are the bracts which appear in Spring. Discolor female forms a grey-green cone surrounded by pale green involucral leaves that almost enclose the bract. A good coastal plant and flowers are excellent for floral use.

Height 1m. Width 1m.

Leucadendron Cream Delight

An erect slender shrub often getting wider than tall. Soft green foliage is offset in later Winter by pure cream bracts which as they age develop a soft pink tone. Adaptable to a wide range of free draining soil types. Avoid fertilisers. Plant in full sun. Cut back well after flowering to shape and size.

A colourful garden plant either as a feature plant or mass planted for effect. The long flowering stems are excellent for floral work.

Height 1.5m. Width 2m.

Leucadendron Discolor Female

Discolor Female ( Cream Supreme)

Leucadendron Golden Tulip

Golden Tulip

Leucadendron Harvest

A small compact evergreen spreading shrub that bears attractive yellow bracts with a flush of red in Winter to early Spring.

To get the best colour it needs a position in full sun in an open airy situation.

Soils should be free draining and slightly acidic.

Due to it's compact habit it requires only a light pruning to shape and size once flowering has finished. Provide one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged dryness in the first Summer after planting.

A useful plant for rockeries or at the front of a shrub border. Will also make a nice patio container plant using a low phosphorus potting mix.

Height 75cm. Width 1.m.

Leucadendron Golden Tulip

A striking shrub when in full colour. The plant produces long stems of golden yellow bracts in late Winter early Spring. 

A hardy plant suited to open sunny situations in free draining acidic soil. Likes moisture during periods of prolonged drought.  Avoid fertilisers.

Prune back after flowering in mid-late spring.

  • Great as cut flowers for floral arrangement
  • Coastal tolerant
  • Excellent garden plant when in full colour
  • Plant with other Leucadendrons to create a colourful display in your landscaping
  • Useful accent plant in any garden

Height 2m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Harvest


Leucadendron Inca Gold

Inca Gold

Leucadendron Inca Gold​

Producing spectacular winter colour, Leucadendron Inca Gold has dense green foliage and breathtaking yellow flowers with red edges, which make a splendid addition to cut flower arrangements. Use this stunning shrub to create an eye-catching display in your garden, whether as a specimen plant, a low hedge or a screen.

Height 1.8m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Incisum

A very compact prostrate small plant. Branches spread out horizontally forming a neat and tidy plant. The bracts are pale lemon yellow during mid-winter to spring and are borne on all terminal growth.

Provide a free draining soil in an open and full sun situation. Ensure newly planted plants are given one deep watering each week during periods of prolonged dryness.

Ideal plant for the smaller garden or mass planted in borders. Can also be used in patio planters as long as suitable potting mix is used.

Height 20cm. Width 75cm.

Leucadendron Jack Harre

Jack Harre

Leucadendron Incisum


Leucadendron Jack Harre​

Leucadendrons are hard to beat for winter colour, especially the salignum types such as ‘Jack Harre’. When the temperatures plummet, the brilliant red flower heads of this compact shrub are at their most colourful, the long lasting display bringing warm colours into the garden. The flowers are famous for their picking qualities and you can gather a bunch for the vase and enjoy them indoors as well as out.

Leucadendron ‘Jack Harre’ is easy to grow providing it has lots of sunshine and excellent drainage. It doesn’t need fertiliser and is happiest left to its own devices, proving very tolerant of dry soils once it has had a chance to establish a robust root system, which should only take a season from planting.

It’s an excellent coastal plant, enhancing beach gardens, combining superbly with other sun worshipers such as Grevilleas.

Height 1.2m. Width 1.m.

Leucadendron Julie

A drought beater with personality!

Compact and colourful, Leucadendron ‘Julie’ is an ideal shrub for sunny situations and well drained soils. The flowers are long stemmed, which means they are great for picking as well as making them stand out on the bush. Leucadendron ‘Julie’ is ideal for planting in groups on sunny, sloping gardens and if combined with other bushy leucadendrons will produce a garden which is fascinating for its range of colours and textures as well as providing year round interest.

In some sun baked subdivisions in areas where summer water shortages are becoming the norm, such plantings of drought tolerant, low growing shrubs are taking the place of lawns at the front of houses and the result is pleasing. Once established, Leucadendron ‘Julie’ is drought tolerant and it doesn’t mind if soils are poor. It doesn’t need feeding and will resent too rich a diet, so don’t waste your money on fertiliser for it or other leucadendrons.

Height 1m. Width 1m.

Leucadendron Julie


Leucadendron Rewa Gold

laureolum Rewa Gold

Leucadendron Rewa Gold

Rewa Gold

Leucadendron Rewa Gold​

An attractive plant with an erect growth habit. Striking large golden bracts colour in late Winter/Spring and with age develop a reddish tinge to the edges.

A reasonably hardy plant suited to an open sunny situation in a free draining soil. Likes moisture during periods of prolonged drought. Can be reasonably frost hardy. Prune back after flowering mid-late Spring. Stems are excellent for use in floral work.

Height 2m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Laureolum

A striking evergreen shrub when in full bract colour. The brilliant yellow bracts appear in late Winter to early Spring when there is not much else in flower.

'Laureolum' is best suited to well drained lighter acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Not suited  to heavier soil types. Provide one deep watering per week during prolonged dryness in the first Summer after planting. Once established plant is quite drought tolerant. Tolerates mild frost. Pick the long stems as a form of pruning. Once flowering has finished prune the remainder of the long stems to enhance flowering the next season. Excellent cutflower plant and a useful accent plant in any garden.


Height 1.8m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Laureolum


Leucadendron Loving Memories

Loving Memories

Leucadendron Loving Memories​

Leucadendron 'Loving Memories' is a beautiful variety of the Leucadendron family. From late Autumn the flame red flower bracts are formed deepening to a rich burgundy in winter. It will give lots of color during the darker months of the year. Leucadendrons are ideal shrubs for a low maintenance garden.

Adaptable to a wide range of soil types that are well drained. For best colour plant in an open sunny position. Pick stems for floral use as a form of pruning. Complete pruning in late Spring. If pruned back well, flowering will be enhanced the following year. Reasonably frost hardy once established. Avoid fertilisers.

Very useful cut flower, excellent garden plant when in full colour during Autumn to Winter.

Height 1.5m. Width 1.m.

Leucadendron Plum Passion

A delightful new hybrid. 'Plum Passion' is a smaller shrub that has deep plum foliage from early Autumn through Winter as the bracts develop.

Bracts when mature in late Winter on medium length stems have an appealing bi-color effect, rosy red on the outer bracts with the inner bracts a creamy white colour.

Suited to most free draining soils in full sun. Trim to maintain shape and size usually after flowering has finished or in late Spring to enhance flower production the following year.

'Plum Passion' will be a very useful garden plant for the smaller garden. The floral bracts are ideal for floral art and cutflower.

Height 1.2m. 

Leucadendron Plum Supreme

Plum Supreme

Leucadendron Plum Passion

Plum Passion

Leucadendron Plum Supreme​

A very colourful small shrub which takes on a rich plum purple colour in Autumn. It is reasonably compact making it ideal for the smaller garden.

Adaptable to a wide range of soil types that are well drained. For best colour plant in an open sunny position. Pick stems for floral use as a form of pruning. Complete pruning in late Spring. If pruned back well, flowering will be enhanced the following year. Reasonably frost hardy once established. Avoid fertilisers.

Excellent small shrub planted either in mass or individually. Slender stems can be picked for floral use.

Height 1.m. Width 1.m.

Leucadendron Red Gem

A large spreading evergreen shrub. Bracts develop in late Summer which are bronzy red and slowly change to apricot in late Winter.

Plant in an open sunny situation in a moist yet deep free draining acidic soil. During the first Summer after planting provide one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged dryness. Becomes drought tolerant once established. If feeding is required use a low P slow release fertiliser. Tolerates mild frost. Pick the long stems as a form of pruning. Once flowering has finished prune the remainder of the long stems to enhance flowering the next season.

Height 2m. Width 2m.

Leucadendron S. Fireglow


Leucadendron Red Gem

Red Gem

Leucadendron S. Fireglow​

A small fine foliaged plant that develops deep red bracts in late Summer / early Autumn that change to reddish with cream tones by Spring.

A reasonably hardy plant suited to an open sunny situation in a free draining soil. Likes moisture during periods of prolonged drought. Can be reasonably frost hardy. Prune back after flowering mid-late Spring.

Ideal for group planting in a shrub border. Stems are ideal for floral work.


Height 1.2m. Width 1.m.

Leucadendron S. Yellow Devil

A select cultivar noted for it's yellow bracts in Winter borne on 40-50cm stems. 

This dense shrub is ideal for small gardens, rockeries and pots. It will add spectacular golden colour to your garden or patio. Ideal for low maintenance, low water use gardens and pots.

Height 1m. Width 1m.

Leucadendron S. Yellow Devil

Yellow Devil

Leucadendron Safari Sunset

Safari Sunset

Leucadendron Safari Sunset​

An erect relatively vigorous growing shrub. Produces long stems of wine red bracts Autumn to early Winter which then change in colour to red and cream late Winter / Spring.

Adaptable to a wide range of soil types that are well drained. For best colour plant in an open sunny position. Pick stems for floral use as a form of pruning. Complete pruning in late Spring. If pruned back well, flowering will be enhanced the following year. Frost tolerant once established. 

Sought after plant for cut flower. Striking garden plant when in full colour Autumn to Spring.

Height 2-3m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Safari Sunshine

An attractive plant with an erect growth habit. Striking reddish bracts develop in late Summer/Autumn and hold til late Winter. Foliage takes on a more creamy look over Spring/Summer.

A reasonably hardy plant suited to an open sunny situation in a free draining soil. Likes moisture during periods of prolonged drought. Frost hardy. Prune back after flowering mid-late Spring.

Great for coastal gardens and stems are excellent for floral work.

Height 2m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Safari Sunshine

Safari Sunshine

Leucadendron Starburst


Leucadendron Starburst

An erect slender branched shrub. Branches develop a dark red shade from early Autumn which are topped with a yellow star-like bract in Winter to early Spring.

Starburst is best suited to well drained lighter acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Not suited to heavier soil types. Provide one deep watering per week during prolonged dryness in the first Summer after planting. Once established plant is quite drought tolerant. Tolerates mild frost. Pick the long stems as a form of pruning. Once flowering has finished prune the remainder of the long stems to enhance flowering the next season. Excellent cutflower plant and a useful accent plant in any garden.

Height 1.8m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Stelligerum Red​

A compact grower which in early Spring produces yellow bracts which turn red. 

Suited to sunny well drained sites. Ideal for rockeries.

Height 50cm.

Leucadendron Stelligerum Red

Stelligerum Red

Leucadendron Valentina


Leucadendron Waterlily​

A robust easily grown shrub with a compact growth habit. The reddish stems are clothed in lush green leaves and terminate with a bract that changes from green with a flush of red to yellow when fully developed.

'Waterlily' is a plant that responds well to pruning after flowering has finished. It is suited to well drained soils in full sun. Provide one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged dryness in the first Summer after planting. Once established is quite drought tolerant. Tolerates mild frost.

Makes a useful landscape plant. Ideal plant for cutflower as the mid-length stems are sought after for floral use.

Height 1.8m. Width 1.5m.

Leucadendron Valentina

'Valentina'  is a new hybrid developed from seed raised from Leucadendron Safari Sunset. 'Valentina' has a very erect habit producing long stems that can terminate in individual or multi deep red flower heads in late Summer/Autumn which then change to the bicolor stage in mid to late Winter.

'Valentina' responds well to picking if pruned mid to late October will reproduce similar length stems the following year. As with other Leucadendrons it will do best in an open sunny situation in well drained soils.

Great for coastal gardens.

'Valentina' will become a very useful plant in the home garden or equally good for cutflower growers due to the stems being excellent for floral art and commercial cutflower operations.

Height 1.5m. 

Leucadendron Waterlily


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