Protea Selection
Protea Selection

Almond Frost
Protea Amplexicaulis
Protea Amplexicaulis
The flowers of Protea 'amplexicaulis' are concealed and inconspicuous, which rules it out as a showy flowering shrub, but its sprawling habit and attractive foliage, make it a useful and interesting ground cover. It’s also a plant for gardeners that enjoy the unusual. It needs a sunny spot, in well-drained, sandy, acidic soils, preferably on a slope, in a raised bed, or in a rockery. Planted in groups spaced about half a metre apart they will take about three years to create a dense mat. Protea 'amplexicaulis' would also be appealing spilling over the side of a large pot, or used to create a curtain effect, covering a small garden wall from a raised bank or terrace. It is well suited to fynbos gardens and water-wise gardens in winter-rainfall areas, as it can withstand the hot, dry summers, and periods of drought once they are established. It is also a candidate for Mediterranean-type gardens, provided the soil is acidic, or gardens that receive summer rainfall, provided they are in sandy soil in a well-drained spot with free air circulation and low humidity.
Height 50cm. Width 1.3m.
Protea Almond Frost
Protea Almond Frost
A striking hybrid Protea that develops into an erect bushy plant with age. The impressive cream bracts are topped with an almost pure white beard. Peak flowering is throughout Winter with flowers produced sporadically all year.
An adaptable Protea that will grow in most well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back current years growth by half to two thirds in mid to late Spring to encourage flower production the following year. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged drought.
A great plant for use in all types of landscapes. The flowers are sought after for cutflower.
Height 2m. Width 2.5m.



Protea Burgundy Nipple
Protea Burgundy Nipple
A hybrid Protea with a neat compact habit that develops into a nice rounded shrub. It produces attractive flowers with candy pink bracts with a burgundy flower mass with a pronounced centre. Flowering is over a long period from late Autumn to Spring.
An adaptable Protea that will grow in most well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back current years growth after flowering by half to two thirds. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged drought.
An excellent Protea for a smaller garden. Great for Coastal borders. Although shorter stemmed the flowers are useful for picking.
Height 1.2m. Width 1.2m.
Protea Aristata
Protea Aristata
Protea 'aristata' would surely be among the five best-known South African proteas, even though it had a rather late documented discovery.
Its current recognition is largely owing to its stunning crimson-pink flowerheads, needle-like foliage and neat form.
Protea 'aristata' falls within the group of ‘true’ sugarbushes which are characterised by their large, obconic flowerheads.
Flowering is mainly during the hot and dry summer months.
Protea aristata is slow-growing, this compact and neat shrub will be one of the longest lived proteas in the garden. To ensure this neat growth, one should take care to regularly prune off all faded flowerheads. P. 'aristata' will thrive in well-drained soil, in a full sun position in the garden provided there are no other encroaching shrubs or plants, so make sure it has plenty of space around it. It performs best in well drained acidic soils.
In the garden it is an excellent specimen for the mixed Fynbos garden, or can be planted in rock garden pockets. Once established, P. 'aristata' proves to be very waterwise. It can be grown in ground in frost-prone areas and handles temperatures as low as -4°C, is frost tolerant and can also be grown well as a container specimen.
Height 2.5m. Width 3m.

Burgundy Nipple

Protea Candy
Protea Candy
A vigorous attractive hybrid Protea. The large candy red flowers have a prominent black tuff, reasonably free flowering.
Plant in well drained soils in full sun and once flowering has finished prune back well to shape and size.
Great plant for coastal gardens and shrub borders.
Excellent cutflower.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.
Protea Cardinal
Protea Cardinal
A vigorous upright growing hybrid Protea. The scarlet red bracts with maroon red centres are produced over Winter and Spring. Very free flowering. Bird attracting and useful cutflower.
Adaptable to a wide range of soils in full sun. Avoid fertilisers. Prune back well in mid-late Spring to shape and size. Frost hardy once established.
Height 2m. Width 1.5m.


Clarkes Red
Protea Clarks Red
A beautiful hybrid protea bred in New Zealand by Jack Clark in 1948 that features a very striking deep red bloom with feathery white tips. This beautiful protea blooms in late winter to early spring and provides welcome early colour. Proteas are bee, insect and bird attractors, so will help keep a natural balance in your garden.
Protea Clarks Red
A beautiful hybrid protea bred in New Zealand by Jack Clark in 1948 that features a very striking deep red bloom with feathery white tips. This beautiful protea blooms in late winter to early spring and provides welcome early colour. Proteas are bee, insect and bird attractors, so will help keep a natural balance in your garden.
Plant in slightly acid to neutral, well drained soils. Add some pine bark mulch and avoid phosphate rich fertilisers.Frost tolerant. Plant in full sun.
Do not overwater, but once in a while a deep watering will be welcomed - providing the soil is draining well.
Prune after flowering but do not prune stems that haven't flowered yet as these will bear the next crop of blooms.
Great for Coast gardens and other areas.
Height 3m. Width 3m.
Protea Christine
Protea Christine
A select form of Protea 'compacta' with attractive deep pink flowers throughout Winter and Spring.
Plant in open sunny situation in free draining soils.
Cut back after flowering to shape and size. Mild frost tolerance.
Ideal plant for coastal gardens. Bird attracting and flowers are useful for picking.
Height 1.8m. Width 1.8m.


Protea Compacta
Protea Compacta
A hardy evergreen shrub which can be a vigorous grower once established. The mid-sized pinkish red flower are produced terminally which make them suitable for cutflower. Flowers are bird attracting.
Plant in free draining acidic soils in an open sunny position. Provide one substantial watering per week during the first Summer or in periods of prolonged dryness after planting to help the plant establish. Drought tolerant once established. Prune back well after flowering to shape and size and this will ensure good flowering the following year. Avoid fertilisers.
Flowers are used for floral work.
An excellent plant for coastal gardens.
Height 2.5m. Width 2m.
Protea Coronata
Protea Coronata
Protea 'coronata' has bright apple-green inflorescences hidden amongst its silvery foliage; attractive and most unusual flower heads are wonderful in floristry.
Leaves are upward-pointing, narrowly lance-shaped, green to bluish green, sometimes turning purplish around the flower head, and sparsely covered in long shaggy hairs, giving them a silvery sheen, and becoming hairless with age. Young growth is often attractively tinged red or coppery.
Protea 'coronata' is easy to grow in most garden soils, including heavy clay soils, provided they are acidic (pH7) and well drained. It can be planted in full sun or in a situation that is shaded for part of the day, but needs free circulation of air.
Water well throughout the year but particularly in autumn-winter-spring.
Its silvery foliage is useful for providing contrast, and its fast growth will quickly provide height as a backdrop. It is a very unusual and attractive cut flower.
Protea 'coronata' makes an excellent and much sought-after cut flower.
Height 3m. Width 1.5m.


Coronet Peak
Protea Coronet Peak
Queen Protea
Protea Coronet Peak
Queen Protea
Magnifica is the Queen Protea, second only to the King in size of flower. There are many variants but Coronet Peak produces a creamy-white flower with a black tip in the central floral mass. The shrub is low growing and tends to sprawl in width. Large leathery blue-green leaves with prominent flowers in Spring. Frost hardy
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.
Protea Cynaroides - King Protea
Surely the best known protea, prized worldwide as a magnificent cut flower and in South Africa honoured as the national flower.
Protea Cynaroides - King Protea
Surely the best known protea, prized worldwide as a magnificent cut flower and in South Africa honoured as the national flower.
Protea 'cynaroides' is a woody shrub with thick stems and large dark green, glossy leaves.
The "flowers" of Protea 'cynaroides' are actually flower heads with a collection of flowers in the centre, surrounded by large colourful bracts. The flowerheads vary in size, from about 120 mm to 300 mm in diameter. Large, vigorous plants produce six to ten flower heads in one season, although some exceptional plants can produce up to forty flower heads on one plant. The colour of the bracts varies from a creamy white to a deep crimson, but the soft pale pink bracts with a silvery sheen are the most prized.
The flowers in the centre of the flower head open over a fairly long period of time, which makes it such a stunning sight in the garden for weeks at a time as well as a long lasting cut flower.
Height 3m. Width 1.5m.


Arctic Ice
Protea Cynaroides - Arctic Ice (White King Protea)
​Surely the best known white protea, prized as a magnificent cut flower.
Protea Cynaroides - Arctic Ice (White King Protea)
​Surely the best known white protea, prized as a magnificent cut flower.
A large erect yet spreading shrub that produces stunning large white flowerheads on medium long stems. White King Protea flowers are usually produced from late Autumn to early Summer. Frost hardy to -4°C once established.
An adaptable Protea that will grow in most well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back current year's growth by half to two thirds in mid to late Spring or after flowering to encourage flower production the following year.
Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged drought.
A superior Protea to use as a feature plant in a shrub border and great for Coastal gardens. The flowers borne on long stems are excellent for cutflower and very sought after.
Height 2m. Width 2.5m.
Proteas are named after the Greek God Proteus.
Proteas are named after the Greek God Proteus.
Protea Fiery Sunset
A Protea Magnifica Hybrid.
Protea Fiery Sunset
A Protea Magnifica Hybrid.
Protea 'Fiery Sunset' will spread wider than get high.
It is a free flowering plant over a long period from late Summer to Spring. The flowers mid to large in size with dark red bracts and a deep burgundy red central flower mass.
An adaptable Protea that will grow in lost well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back current year's growth after flowering by half to two thirds.
Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged drought.
A plant suitable for all types of landscape uses. The flowers are also useful for picking.
Height 1.5m. Width 2-3m.


Firey Sunset
Protea Fransican
Protea Fransican
An attractive selection with produces rich velvety pink flowers with a silvery appearance in Winter.
Plant in a well drained open airy sunny position prefers slightly acid soil. After planting water frequently enough to maintain damp, not wet, soil. Once established after several weeks, weekly watering in dry weather is all that is necessary.
Cut flowers freely and prune after flowering to maintain size and shape. Spent flowers should be removed. In colder areas avoid Summer or Autumn pruning which would promote frost tender new growth.
Flowers are suitable for picking.
Height 2m. Width 1.5m.
Protea Frosted Fire
Oleander Leaf Protea
Protea Frosted Fire
Oleander Leaf Protea
This dense shrub is an excellent display plant or screen and fits in well with low maintenance, low water use gardens. Plentiful, striking red flowers with white frosting in Winter.
Grows best in full sun where the days are warm and the nights cool in acidic, well draining soil.
Trim back after flowering. Avoid fertilisers.
Proteas will attract bees and birds to your garden.
A beautiful cutflower Protea and suited for coastal gardens and shrub borders.
Height 1.5m. Width 2m.

Frosted Fire

Goodwood Red
Protea Aurea Goodwood Red
​Shuttlecock Protea
Protea Aurea Goodwood Red
​Shuttlecock Protea
Protea aurea 'Goodwood Red', characterised by its 'shuttlecock' flowerheads, has masses of bright red flowers in Winter.
Vigorous and Hardy.
It's easily grown in well-drained average soils and sun, and is frost hardy.
Prune to shape after flowering. Adaptable to a wide range of situations.
Pick blooms for the vase at the soft bud stage and the flowers will continue to open.
Height 1.5m. Width 2-3m.
Protea Grandiceps
Peach Protea
Protea Grandiceps
Peach Protea
A slow growing shrub with glaucous blue green leathery leaves and distinctive mid-sized reddish flowerheads.
Flowering can be over a long period from late Autumn to late Spring.
An ideal plant for the smaller garden due to it's slow growth rate. Best suited to well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation.
Remove old flowerheads after flowering. Can tolerate reasonable frosts once acclimatised.
Provide regular deep watering during periods of prolonged drought or throughout the first Summer after planting to assist establishment.
It is an excellent garden plant and is coastal tolerant. Protea 'grandiceps' has long lasting cutflowers and is cultivated for the cutflower market.
Height 1m. Width 1.5m.


Protea Grandicolor
Protea Grandicolor
Protea 'Grandicolor' is a medium sized shrub with grey/blue foliage and a rounded growth habit.
Beautiful peachy pink color flowers with the tips of the petals fuzzy pink.
Plant in full sun and will tolerate frosts to -5°C.
'Grandicolor' is drought tolerant but may require water in the first summer of planting and in extremely dry conditions.
This Protea should be planted in a well drained acidic soil.
Remove spent flowers after flowering to maintain shape of plant.
A feature plant for any garden providing the ideal growing conditions.
Popular in wedding bouquets and other floral arrangements, Protea 'Grandicolor' is a excellent cut flower variety.
Height 2.5m. Width 1.5m.
Protea Green Ice
Protea Green Ice
A large spreading shrub often getting wider than it does tall. It produces many pale green / yellow flowers with a blackish beard. Flowering is predominantly during Winter, however flowers can be seen sporadically throughout the year.
An adaptable Protea that will grow in most well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back current years growth after flowering by half to two thirds. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged drought.
Ideal plant for the larger garden and suitable for coastal gardens. The flowers are useful for cut flower.
Height 2.5m. Width 3m.

Green Satin

Green Ice
Protea Green Satin
Protea Green Satin
An attractive hybrid Protea that will develop into a large bushy plant with age. The unique slender green flowers are borne on the plant from late Autumn to Spring.
An adaptable Protea that will grow in most well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back current years growth after flowering by half to two thirds. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged drought.
Great plant for coastal gardens. The flower colour makes an ideal cut flower.
Height 2m. Width 2m.
Protea Jazz
Protea Jazz
A striking hybrid Protea with greyish leaves and upright growth habit. Flowers predominantly terminal. Once established it is a free flowering plant from Autumn to Spring with peak flowering late Winter.
The candy pink flowers are medium to large in size.
An adaptable Protea that will grow in most well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back current year's growth after flowering by half to two thirds.
Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged dryness.
A plant that will enhance any garden and very useful as a cut flower.
Height 2m. Width 1.5m.


Protea Joey
Protea Joey
A low spreading hybrid Protea. The orange cup shaped flowers are terminal. Flowering is predominantly in Winter.
Plants respond to being cutback in Spring or once flowering has finished.
Prefers light free drained soils in full sun.
Plant on sunny banks or in rockeries.
Height 30cm. Width 1.2m.
Protea Rose Mink
Greyleaf Protea
Protea Rose Mink
Greyleaf Protea
A moderately large robust shrub with grey green leaves. The terminal flowers are produced over a long period from late Autumn to mid Spring. It has a tidy vigorous growth habit.
Usually a very reliable which can be long lived. The plant can be pruned back quite hard when young to maintain shape and size. It will adapt to a wide range of soil types and prefers an open sunny situation. Once established it will withstand heavy frost and prolonged periods of drought.
Excellent coastal plant and flowers are very useful for picking.
Height 3m. Width 2m.

Rose Mink

Protea Lepidocarpodendron
Black Protea
Protea Lepidocarpodendron
Black Protea
This lovely protea has hairy, black and cream-white flowerheads that peek out through the dense foliage.
Protea 'lepidocarpodendron' flowerheads are black and cream enveloped by the leaves.
Flowering takes place in late Autumn through Winter.
This vigorous, adaptable protea is easily grown in most well-drained garden soils, but prefers acidic soils. Plant it in a sunny position, where there is free circulation of air, in well-drained acidic soil, preferably on a slope, and water well throughout the year but particularly in autumn-winter-spring.
Proteas don't like phosphates (P), so choose a fertiliser that has little or no P in its formula, and give them small doses more frequently, or use a slow-release fertiliser. This protea is tolerant of summer drought, but grows better with regular watering throughout the year.
It is wind-tolerant, even of salt-laden winds, which makes it perfect for coastal gardens. Not frost hardy.
An excellent cut flower. Remove leaves for longer vase life.
Height 2.5m. Width 2.5m.
Protea Limelight
Protea Limelight
A rounded spreading shrub bearing pale lime green flowers sporadically throughout the year.
Peak flowering is in Winter.
Plant in an open sunny situation. Soils should be acidic and free draining. Avoid fertilisers. Trim back well after main flowering has finished to shape and size.
A useful garden plant for a shrub border. Flowers are sought after in floral work.
Height 3m. Width 1.5m.


Protea Longifolia
Protea Longifolia
A hardy evergreen shrub which has an erect spreading growth habit. Produces largish flower heads with creamy yellow outer bracts and the white flower mass topped a prominent black tip. Peak flowering is during Winter.
Plant in free draining acidic soils in an open sunny position. Provide one substantial watering per week during the first Summer or in periods of prolonged dryness after planting to help the plant establish. Drought tolerant once established. Prune back well after flowering to shape and size and this is also ensure good flowering the following year. Avoid fertilisers.
An excellent plant for coastal gardens and flowers are useful for floral work.
Height 1.5m. Width 2m.
Protea Margaret Watling
​Marg​aret Watling a New Zealand raised green flowered cultivar.
Protea Margaret Watling
​Marg​aret Watling a New Zealand raised green flowered cultivar.
A select Protea form developing into a nice rounded shrub. The attractive lime green bracts surrounded by maroon beard develop in Winter.
Likes an open sunny situation in an acidic free draining soil.
Coastal tolerant and is a great cut flower.
Height 1.5m. Width 2m.

Margaret Watling

Neriifolia Alba
Protea Neriifolia Purity
Protea Neriifolia Purity
A beautiful New Zealand selection of this well known South African species, ' Purity ' has larger than normal flower heads with creamy white bracts tipped with black fur, Mainly produced over late Winter through Spring.
Vigorous, busy growth. Plant in well drained, acidic soils in full sun. Light frosts tolerated. Avoid fertilisers.
Great for coastal gardens and makes an excellent cut flower.
Height 2m. Width 2m.
Protea Neriifolia Alba
Protea Neriifolia Alba
An erect larger shrub producing terminal creamy-yellow flower heads on medium long stems. Flowers are produced over a long period from late Summer to late Spring.
An adaptable Protea that will grow in most well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back current year's growth by half to two thirds in mid Spring to encourage flower production the following year. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged drought.
A good plant for use as a feature plant in a shrub border, great for coastal gardens.
The flowers borne on long stems are excellent for cut flower.
Height 3m. Width 2.5m.


Neriifolia Ruby
Protea Neriifolia Ruby
Protea Neriifolia Ruby
A fairly long flowering protea producing large flowers which are produced throughout Autumn/Winter. Protea neriifolia has quite hard leathery leaves which are elongated and elliptical with smooth edges and a leathery hard surface texture.
An upright yet somewhat spreading shrub.
Plant in well drained soils in full sun. Avoid fertilisers. Cut back well late Winter after flowering. Mild frost tolerance.
A great plant for your garden and well suited for coastal gardens.
Excellent cut flower.
Height 3m. Width 2.5m.
Protea New Moon
Protea New Moon
An erect tidy shrub with grey green foliage and terminal clear creamy white flowers. Bushes are quite stunning when topped with many flowerheads. Peak flowering is usually mid-winter.
A reliable shrub which is adaptable to a wide range of free draining soils in an open sunny situation. Newly planted plants should be given one deep watering per week in the first Summer or in periods of prolonged drought. Prune to shape and size once flowering has finished mid-late Spring.
Frost tolerant to - 3°C.
Great addition to your coastal garden plantings.
' New Moon ' can be a feature in your garden and is excellent for cut flowers.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.

New Moon

Protea Pacific Queen
A significant cultivar, as it is probably the first Protea magnifica hybrid to be identified and named and was first marketed in New Zealand during the 1970's.
Protea Pacific Queen
A significant cultivar, as it is probably the first Protea magnifica hybrid to be identified and named and was first marketed in New Zealand during the 1970's.
A busy, spreading shrub, often wider than it is high.
The flowers are quite large - colouring is a soft pink with the fluffy bracts edged in silvery white hairs and culminating in black tufted tips. The main flowering period is through Spring into mid Summer.
Generally easy to grow in most free-draining soils and requires open, sunny positions to thrive. Frost hardy to - 3°C.
Excellent garden plant and well suited to coastal conditions.
Excellent for floral use.
Height 1.5m. Width 2m.
Protea Niobe
Protea Niobe
' Niobe ' with its distinctive blue grey foliage develops into a mid sized plant with age. It produces attractive silvery-green flowers with a brown/black beard from Autumn to Spring.
Adaptable to most well drained soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back current years growth after flowering by half to two thirds. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged drought.
The foliage colour makes it an ideal contrast plant in landscape plantings. The flowers are excellent for floral use.
Height 2m. Width 2m.

Pacific Queen

Protea Passion
Passion will add a splash of colour during autumn to winter, displaying stunning creamy pink flower bracts surrounding a dark centre. This Protea variety makes a great feature plant and will attract birds into your garden.
Protea Passion
Passion will add a splash of colour during autumn to winter, displaying stunning creamy pink flower bracts surrounding a dark centre. This Protea variety makes a great feature plant and will attract birds into your garden.
A Protea eximea hybrid, which develops into a compact bushy plant. The uniquely coloured flowers are produced from early Autumn through to Spring.
Some flowers can be seen sporadically all year.
It is an adaptable Protea that grows well in most well drained acidic soils. It does prefer to be planted in an open, sunny situation. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged dryness. Pruning back after flowering usually mid Spring will enhance flower production the following year.
Mild frost tolerance.
To feed use fertilisers suited to Australian and South African plants preferably a controlled slow release.
A good Protea for smaller spaces, good coastal plant.
Useful cut flower.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.
Protea Peach Sheen
Protea Peach Sheen
A vigorous and long-lived Protea. Broad, grey/green foliage bearing terminal peachy coloured flowers in Autumn/Winter.
An erect growth habit but may be kept trimmed to a smaller plant with regular pruning after flowering.
Plant in well drained soils in full sun. Will tolerate light frost.
Great garden plant and is good for coastal gardens.
A very nice cut flower.
Height 3m. Width 2m.

Peach Sheen

Pearl Blush
Protea Pearl Blush
Protea Pearl Blush
A hybrid Protea with pearl white flowers with a maroon touch to the central flower mass. Erect growth habit. Prune to shape and size late spring to enhance following years flowering. Likes full sun in an open situation. Soils should be acidic and free draining.
Height 2m.
Protea Pink Ice
​Pink Ice is the hardiest of all Proteas, and is well suited to a low maintenance and low water use garden. Its deep rose pink flowers can be enjoyed fresh or dried, making it an excellent choice for cut flower growers.
Protea Pink Ice
​Pink Ice is the hardiest of all Proteas, and is well suited to a low maintenance and low water use garden. Its deep rose pink flowers can be enjoyed fresh or dried, making it an excellent choice for cut flower growers.
Protea ' Pink Ice ' is a medium sized shrub with dark green foliage and a dense rounded growth habit.
Many flowerheads of deep rose pink over a long flowering period from late Summer to late Spring.
Protea ' Pink Ice ' is drought tolerant but may require water in the first summer of planting and in extremely dry conditions.
Frost tolerant.
This Protea should be planted in a well drained soil in full sun.
Remove spent flowers after flowering to maintain shape of plant.
A feature plant for any garden and well suited for coastal planting conditions.
A highly recommended Protea by growers - ' Pink Ice ' flowers are popular in bouquets and other floral arrangements.
Height 2m. Width 2m.

Pink Ice

Possum Magic
Protea Pudens Mini Red
​Bashful Sugarbush
Protea Pudens Mini Red
​Bashful Sugarbush
A small rounded shrub producing small reddish flowers sporadically all year round with peak flowering being late Winter - Spring. Frost tolerant to - 3°C once established.
Provide an open sunny situation in free draining acidic soils. Prune back to shape in late Spring.
Feeding can be done with careful application of a slow release fertiliser such as Osmocote for Australian Native Plants.
Great plant for smaller gardens and great for pots and containers. Great for coastal borders.
Good for floral work.
Height 1m. Width 1.m.
Protea Possum Magic
Possum Magic produces large bronzy red with yellow tones and a prominent black central mass flowerheads ... These plants can be used in mass plantings, general landscaping, coastal gardens, pots or as a low hedge.
Protea Possum Magic
Possum Magic produces large bronzy red with yellow tones and a prominent black central mass flowerheads ... These plants can be used in mass plantings, general landscaping, coastal gardens, pots or as a low hedge.
An attractive hybrid Protea with medium to large terminal flowers from Winter to Spring.
Flowers are bronzy red with yellow tones and a prominent black central mass.
Provide a free draining soil type in full sun. Avoid fertilisers. Mild frost tolerance. Prune back well after flowering has finished to shape and size.
Excellent coastal garden plant.
Bright and colourful cut flower.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.

Pudens Mini Red

Red Ice
Protea Red Ice
Protea Red Ice
A red flowering form of the popular Protea 'Pink Ice'. It is a vigorous erect spreading evergreen shrub. A mature plant can produce many medium sized red flowers almost all year round.
Plant in free draining acidic soils in an open sunny position. Provide one substantial watering per week during the first Summer or in periods of prolonged dryness after planting to help the plant establish. Drought tolerant once established. Prune back well after flowering to shape and size and this is also ensure good flowering the following year. Avoid fertilisers.
It is an excellent garden plant as a focal point in a shrub border or as a specimen plant. The mid-length stems with terminal flowerheads are excellent for floral work. Bird and bee attracting.
Height 2.5m. Width 2.5m.
Protea Repens
Protea repens is an excellent addition to any wildlife-friendly garden as the large amount of nectar produced by the flowers attracts birds, bees and other insects.
Protea Repens
Protea repens is an excellent addition to any wildlife-friendly garden as the large amount of nectar produced by the flowers attracts birds, bees and other insects.
An upright evergreen shrub. Produces mid-sized red terminal flower heads which exude a sugary liquid on the exterior of the floral bracts. (Flowers can be sticky as a result).
Likes an open, sunny situation in acidic free draining light soils in full sun. Pruning back well in mid to late Spring to desired shape and size will enhance flowering the following year. Once established it can tolerate moderate frost. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during prolonged periods of dryness or during the first Summer.
' Protea Repens ' is an excellent garden plant as a focal point in a shrub border or as a specimen plant.
The mid-length stems with the terminal flowerheads are excellent for picking and use in floral work.
BRING the birds back into your garden and plant several of these, plant alongside 'Repens Alba'. and other varieties of Proteas.
Height 2m. Width 2m.

Repens Alba


Repens Alba
Protea Repens Alba
Bird Attracting
Protea Repens Alba
Bird Attracting
An erect robust shrub bearing medium sized creamy white flowers. Flowers are usually sticky from the nectar the flower exudes. Peak flowering time is Winter.
The flowers of 'repens alba' are actually flower heads with a collection of small flowers in the centre, surrounded by large colourful bracts. The shape of the flower heads is very distinctive, chalice-shaped, and forms an inverted, brown 'ice-cream cone' seed head.
Protea 'repens alba' is one of the easiest, most adaptable and reliable proteas in cultivation. It is tolerant of a wide range of soils, from heavy clay to deep white sand. The plants are tolerant of a large variety of growing conditions but will show frost damage at temperatures below -4 degrees Celsius.
Great coastal plant and brilliant for bringing birds into your garden as they love the sweet nectar the flowers produce.
Useful for picking and floral work.
Height 2m. Width 1.5m.

Protea Scolymocephala
Baby Green Protea
Protea Scolymocephala
Baby Green Protea
Protea 'scolymocephala' is a rewarding and tough garden shrub, eye-catching when in flower and ideally suited to coastal gardens. It is an easy protea to grow, adapting to most soils but best in well-drained, acidic, sandy soils in full sun. Avoid fertilisers.
When established it will tolerate drought, wind, and frost.
Protea 'scolymocephala' is a dainty shrub bearing abundant pink-tinged, creamy-green flowerheads in winter/spring, ideal for small gardens on the sandy coastal gardens.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.
Protea Sheila
Protea Sheila
An attractive hybrid with a tidy compact growth habit. The deep red flowers can be produced all year round with peak flowering being in late Winter.
Best suited to well drained soils in full sun. Prune back in late Spring to shape and encourage flower production following year.
Ideal coastal plant and great cut flower.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5-2m.


Silver Tips
Protea Silver Tips
Protea Silver Tips
A larger growing Protea with an erect growth habit. It produces many terminal flowers over a long period with peak flowering during the Winter months. The flower heads have a silvery pink bract tipped with a white and black beard.
An adaptable Protea that will grow in most well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back current years growth after flowering by half to two thirds. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged drought.
This is a Protea for the larger garden and great for coastal gardens.
The flowers are also ideal for picking.
Height 3m. Width 1.5m.
Protea Snowcrest
Protea Snowcrest
A tidy upright evergreen shrub. Produces pinkish red terminal flower heads with a prominent white beard.
Likes an open, sunny situation in acidic free draining light soils in full sun. Pruning back well in mid to late Spring to desired shape and size will enhance flowering the following year. Once established it can tolerate moderate frost. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during prolonged periods of dryness or during the first Summer.
It is an excellent garden plant as a focal point in a shrub border or as a specimen plant. A great addition to your coastal garden. The mid-length stems with the terminal flowerheads are excellent for floral work.
Height 2m. Width 2m.


Spotted Mink
Protea Sulphurea
​Sulphur Protea
Protea Sulphurea
​Sulphur Protea
This species grows into a low, squat, woody, densely-branched shrub. The branches are glabrous. The leaves are glaucous (or yellowish when dry or during droughts), indistinctly veined, minutely rugulose (having a finely wrinkled surface and texture).
The flowers are produced from April to August, densely packed together within large inflorescences. These inflorescences, or more specifically called flower heads, are almost sessile (having a very short and indistinct peduncle), and hang downwards towards the ground.
A great plant for sandy soils in any coastal garden.
Protea ' Sulphurea ' is widely used in rockeries and growing downwards on walls.
Height 50cm. Width 1.5m.
Protea Spotted Mink
Protea Spotted Mink
A slow growing robust Protea hybrid producing terminal medium sized flower heads from Autumn to Spring.
Flowers have a silvery-pink sheen with black tufts and beard.
Adaptable to a wide range of well drained soil types in full sun. Prune back regularly.
Great plant for coastal gardens and flowers are useful for picking.
Height 1.5-2m. Width 1.5m.


Protea Susara
Protea Susara
A robust larger growing evergreen shrub.
The beautiful bicoloured pink flowers are usually produced from late Autumn to Spring.
Likes an open, sunny situation in acidic free draining light soils in full sun. Pruning back well in mid to late Spring to desired shape and size will enhance flowering the following year. Once established it can tolerate moderate frost. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during prolonged periods of dryness or during the first Summer.
It is an excellent garden plant as a focal point or planted in groups. A great addition to your coastal garden.
The long stems with the terminal flowerheads are excellent for harvesting for floral work
Height 2m. Width 1.8m.
Protea Sylvia
Protea Sylvia
A hardy mid sized shrub with glaucous blue leaves and terminal pinkish-red flowers from Autumn to Spring.
It is a reasonably quick grower.
A reliable plant which will adapt to a range of well drained soil types. It is also capable of tolerating harsher winters and is quite drought tolerant once established. Plants should be pruned back after flowering to maintain shape and size.
Flowers can be useful for picking.
Height 2m. Width 1.5m.


Tasman Blush
Protea Tasman Blush
Protea Tasman Blush
A compact low growing hybrid. Flowers predominantly through Winter. The flowers have a pink blush which with age deepens.
Prune back after flowering mid-late Spring to shape and enhance flowering the following year.
Prefer full sun in a well drained acidic soil.
A good plant for a smaller garden or shrub border.
Great for coastal gardens and is a great flower for picking.
Height 1.2m. Width 1.5m.
Protea Tasman Pearl
Protea Tasman Pearl
An attractive hybrid Protea with a somewhat erect yet semi spreading habit. The terminal pearl white bracts surround a black tipped flower mass to create a lovely flower. Peak flowering is throughout Winter.
An adaptable Protea that will grow in most well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Prune back current years growth after flowering by half to two thirds. Ensure newly planted plants have one deep watering per week during periods of prolonged drought.
A nice plant for the smaller garden and good for coastal gardens. Flowers are useful for picking.
Height 1.2m. Width 1.5m.

Tasman Pearl

Tasman Pearl

Tasman Ruby

Tasman Ruby
Protea Venus
​Protea Venus' stunning red flower bracts burst into bloom during Spring to Summer, attracting masses of pollinators including butterflies, bees and birds into the garden. This specimen is perfect for coastal, native and low maintenance gardens and is commonly used as a feature plant, a hedge or a screen. It also makes a striking feature in cut floral displays.
Protea Venus
​Protea Venus' stunning red flower bracts burst into bloom during Spring to Summer, attracting masses of pollinators including butterflies, bees and birds into the garden. This specimen is perfect for coastal, native and low maintenance gardens and is commonly used as a feature plant, a hedge or a screen. It also makes a striking feature in cut floral displays.
A striking hybrid Protea with medium to large red flowers. Reasonable vigorous growth habit. Flowers Spring to Summer.
An adaptable Protea that will grow in most well drained acidic soils in an open sunny situation. Avoid fertilisers.
Provide one substantial watering per week during the first Summer or in periods of prolonged dryness after planting to help the plant get established. Drought tolerant once established. Cut back flowering stems by at least half after flower has finished to shape and enhance flowering the following year.
Flowers on mid length stems make it an ideal cut flower subject.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.
Protea Tasman Ruby
Protea Tasman Ruby
A lower growing shrub with a tidy growth habit. The deep ruby red flowers have a silvery appearance to the upper bract.
The slower growth makes this plant a useful garden subject. Flowering is predominantly from Winter to Spring. Prune in late Spring to maintain plant size and remove dead flowers. Newly planted plants should be provided with one substantial watering per week in the first Summer or in periods of prolonged drought.
Protea ' Tasman Ruby ' will enhance any garden and is a very useful cut flower.
Height 1.5m. Width 1.5m.