Proteaceae Family Additions ​
Proteaceae Family Additions ​
Adenanthos Sericeus
Albany Woollybush
Adenanthos Sericeus
Albany Woollybush
A medium sized shrub or small tree with spreading branches. The soft, narrow, grey-green leaves give a silvery effect and narrow, tubular orange-red flowers appear over a long period.
Grow in a sunny to partly shaded position in well drained soil.
Tolerant of lime. Avoid boggy, poorly drained soils. Prune after flowering to maintain compact growth.
The highly decorative foliage makes this an ideal addition to gardens. Can be hedged. Flowers attract nectar-feeding birds.
Start Growing Your Woolly Bush Today!
Overall, the woolly bush is a fantastic addition to any garden. It is exceptionally low maintenance and drought resistant, and can grow anywhere, including the coast.
It requires little to no pruning, can grow well as a container plant, and only requires a single dose of native blend, low phosphorus fertiliser in the spring in order to thrive.
Now you have all the information you need to grow this great native plant and enjoy the 'Adenanthos Sericeus' !
Height 1.5-3m. Width 1-3m.

The key feature of this plant is its brilliantly soft foliage, and kids love it!


Gold Medal

Gold Medal
Hakea Gold Medal
Hakea Gold Medal
This striking, variegated form of Hakea salicifolia is grown for it's highly attractive foliage. The older foliage has cream to light green variegation and is complemented by a flush of rose-pink coloured new growth, which is produced on stems of red. In Spring a mass of creamy-white flowers adorn the stems, followed by the characteristic hard seed capsules.
Best grown in a sunny position in well drained soils. Grows in a range of conditions including strong winds and moderate frosts. Prune lightly after flowering.
'Gold Medal' creates a perfect specimen plant for the home garden, and is valued as a good screening tree.
Height 1.5-3m. Width 1-3m.

Hakea Laurina
Pin Cushion Hakea
Hakea Laurina
Pin Cushion Hakea
A tall shrub or small tree with leathery, green to bluish-green leaves. Ball-like red flowers, strikingly contrasted with creamy-white styles, are produced from Autumn to Winter. This species shows variability in habit and height.
Grow in a sunny, open position or partial shade.
Pruning is such a vital part of plant care for most garden plants. It’s not only about regulating shape and size, but regular pruning will help to stimulate plant growth.
It is recommended to begin to prune your hakea regularly from when the plant is young. As the 'hakea laurina' growth rate is quite quick, you can be quite rigorous.
Cut back at least 10 to 15 cm from tip growth when pruning.
Prune after flowering to main compact growth.
Tolerates moderate coastal exposure.
For younger plants, staking is encouraged especially as the 'hakea laurina' is a fairly shallow rooted plant.
Useful for screening and windbreaks.
The flowers attract nectar feeding birds.
Height 4m+. Width 4m+.


This fantastically featured fauna is an evergreen and sought after plant. Hakea Laurina is cultivar of the Proteaceae family.
The 'hakea laurina' has long been considered a symbol of nobility and longevity.
Grow for it's stunning colour combination of flowers and foliage.

'Isopogon anethifolius', commonly known as narrow-leaf drumsticks or narrow-leafed drumsticks, is a shrub in the family Proteaceae. The species is found only in coastal areas near Sydney in New South Wales, and to the immediate west. It occurs naturally in woodland, open forest and heathland on sandstone soils.
Isopogon Anethifolius
Narrow-leaf Drumsticks
Isopogon Anethifolius
Narrow-leaf Drumsticks
'Isopogon anethifolius' has fine foliage, red stems, bright yellow flowers in Spring and distinctive drumsticks afterwards makes it an appealing garden plant.
It prefers acidic soil with extra water, though it does not tolerate waterlogging. A part-shaded position is the preferred location, though grows readily in full sun. Plants can withstand frosts to −8 °C. Fertiliser applied in spring assists growth. Young plants can grow long stems that eventually droop, and respond well to pruning.
Isopogon anethifolius can be considered a feature plant as it has year-round interest.
It has potential as a screening plant (its dense foliage can be used for privacy).
The flowers, cones and foliage are used in the cut-flower industry.
Height 3m. Width 1.5m.
Mimetes Cucullatus
Red Pagoda
Mimetes Cucullatus
Red Pagoda
An erect multi-stemmed shrub that bears attractive terminal heads of red bracts with the white flowers protruding from between the bracts from Autumn to Spring.
Requires deep free-draining acidic soils in full sun. Provide regular moisture over the Summer and during periods of prolonged dryness. Long lived once established. Protect from heavy frosts - It is not suited to very cold climates, but should survive short periods of cold, from -1 to -3° C.
Pick flowers as part of the pruning process.
This mimetes is a colourful addition to any garden, it is a good choice for garden borders and an excellent plant for the coastal garden. It can also be grown in large containers.
'Mimetes cucullatus' has great potential as a cutflower; the flowering stems are relatively long, they last well.
Height 1.2m. Width 1m.


'Mimetes cucullatus' is a rewarding garden plant, giving colour all year round and forming a neat, compact shrub. Grow it in a sunny position in sandy, well-drained, acidic soils.