Serruria are rare plants and are a treasure to have in any garden.
Serruria are rare plants and are a treasure to have in any garden.

Erica CoSerruria Carmennica Compact

Serruria Florida

Serruria Pedunculata
Delicate - Desirable - Elegant - Exquisite - Unique
Delicate - Desirable - Elegant - Exquisite - Unique
First recorded in 1773, the Serruria Florida, a well-known plant belonging to the Proteaceae family, is now threatened in its natural habitat by invasive plants and fire.
It occurs on the Franschhoek side of the Hottentots Holland mountains where soils are of a granite origin. The common name – Blushing Bride – has been ascribed to many different folklore interpretations, although it must be said that the flower does resemble a bridal gown. Blushing Brides are small (approximately 1 m tall and equally as wide), evergreen shrubs with finely-dissected foliage covering their many branches.
Serruria have fine, needle-like leaves that are spread across the majority of the plant.
During late winter and spring the branches are tipped with terminal flowers, singly or in clusters of up to eight per stem. The delicate beauty of the smallish, ivory to pink-shaded flowers is probably best described by the photographs.
They are truly one of the most attractive of all our South African Proteaceae family.
Serruria was named in honor of Joseph Serrurier, a professor of botany at the Utrecht University early in the eighteenth century. It is called spiderhead in English and spinnekopbos in Afrikaans, because of the silky, finely divided leaves looking like they are covered in spiders webs.
Serruria is a genus of 55 species endemic to the Western Cape, South Africa. Members of the genus can be recognised by their dissected leaves which have cylindrical segments. The flowerheads can be solitary or multiple. Solitary flowerheads are always carried at the tip of the branch, and multiple heads are borne in the axils of the topmost leaves. Each flower has a conspicuous floral bract. Serrurias are confined to the winter rainfall area in the Western Cape, with the most easterly species extending as far as Mossel Bay.
Plants grow best in full sun and require acid soil conditions that are low in phosphates. Use acid compost for preparing planting holes to ensure appropriate soil conditions. They are excellent subjects for large pots and containers. Plants need to be watered regularly as they can suffer adversely from drying out.
As a general rule do not fertilise the plants, as they are sensitive to many chemical compounds. Use water-soluble, organic plant foods at very low dosages, if plants require a bit of a boost. Tip-prune plants in December to ensure that they have sufficient time to produce flower buds for the following season.
- Serrurias have superb flowers for the vase and are grown extensively in the commercial market.
- Bunches of flowers and plants always grace the shelves of retail stores in season.
- Look out for ‘Carmen’ – a deep pink flowered hybrid cross between Serruria Florida x Rosea.
These charming members of the Proteaceae family are definitely worth trying out in your garden.