South African Erica Selection​
South African Erica Selection​

Erica Baccans
Berry Heath
Erica Baccans
Berry Heath
'Erica baccans' is an erect, woody, densely branched, strong-growing shrub. It's upper branches are liberally covered with fine, upward-pointing, light green needle-like leaves giving this species a soft textural effect.
Masses of small, urn-shaped bright, cherry-pink flowers are produced in groups at the ends of the branches in late Winter into early Spring..
Plant 'Erica baccans' in full sun, where there is free circulation of air. Soil type should be free-draining, sandy and acidic with low levels of phosphate.
Good drainage is essential.
Prune plants regularly as this stimulates branching and retains the plants shape.
Grow Erica baccans in the garden, where it looks very attractive inter-planted with other Erica species or planted en masse. It is well suited to a region with a Mediterranean climate and to coastal gardens on hill or mountain slopes. 'Erica baccans' is also suitable for containers, which is recommended for gardens in colder climates, as the pot can be moved to a protected position during the colder months.
Height 1m. Width 1m.
Erica Bauera Pink
Bridal Heath
Erica Bauera Pink
Bridal Heath
Erica bauera pink is a hardy, adaptable, evergreen shrub. Masses of waxy pink tubular flowers displayed in clusters near the ends of it's branches. Suited to well drained acidic soils in full sun. Prune prior to Spring growth. Plants also do well under relatively harsh windy conditions at the coast.
The ideal place to plant is in flat garden beds, on slopes or in rockeries. Although not having the ideal growth habit, it may be planted in pots as long as it is regularly pruned to retain good shape. Pruning will also increase flower production, producing splendid displays. The flowers will attract bird pollinators to the garden. This erica is a pleasing addition when used in flower arrangements.
Height 1m. Width 1m.

Bauera Pink

Erica Bauera White
Erica Bauera White
An attractive erect growing plant. Produces masses of long waxy white tubes almost continuously.
Suited to well drained acidic soils in full sun. Prune prior to Spring growth. Pruning will increase flower production resulting in splendid displays the following season.
Suitable for most gardens where the humidity is not too high or where there is little or no frost. They also do well in coastal gardens, as long as the soils are acidic and it is not exposed to too harsh salt-laden wind. It grows well in various garden aspects, including open beds, rockeries and on slopes.
It is a prolific flowerer and is a wonderful addition to the garden and for attracting bees and birds.
'Erica bauera White' is an excellent garden plant flowering over many months and is a good cut flower. It also makes a wonderful container plant.
Height 1m. Width 1m+.
Erica Baueri Gouriquae White
Erica Baueri Gouriquae White
'Erica baueri Gouriquae White' long erect leaves are green. The 20 mm long corolla tubes are more inflated, consisting of puffed, white tubes, and more numerous and scattered over the shrub.
Flowering is from Winter to early Summer.
This erica grows in deep, well-drained, sandy soils, but is adaptable and will grow in a range of soil types. It will also grow in heavier clay soils if there is good drainage and it must be watered less often to allow the medium to dry out between watering.
Pruning will increase flower production resulting in splendid displays.
It is a prolific flowerer and is a wonderful addition to the garden and for attracting birds.
'Erica baueri gouriquae white' is an excellent garden plant flowering over many months and is a good cut flower. It also makes a wonderful container plant.
Height 1.5m. Width 1m.

Gouriquae White

Erica Caffra
Hedge Heath
Erica Caffra
Hedge Heath
An Erica that will grow into a large plant/small tree with age. It produces large spike like clusters of creamy green to yellowish flowers late Winter into Spring which are long-lasting, with a strong honey scent, they are pollinated by bees and later become a rusty brown.
The bark of the trunk, especially on old plants, is brown and deeply fissured, while that of younger trees and branches is grey.
'Erica caffra' is an attractive plant when in flower but can look rather scruffy for the rest of the year.
To keep this plant at a desired height and keeping it tidy, regular trimming and shaping would be beneficial - prune back after flowering.
If one has a wet plot or needs to add fine texture to a streamside planting, then perhaps this would be a good choice. It grows in acidic, damp or even wet soils which are not stagnant.
When flowering the plant is is completely smothered in flowers and puts on a magical display.
Height 3m+. Width 2m+.
Erica Cerinthoides
Erica Cerinthoides
A small erect shrub bearing medium length stems with terminal clusters of bright scarlet flowers. Flowering begins in Winter and can continue till Spring. Prune after flowering.
Plant in full sun for best colour but will tolerate semi shade. Likes well drained acidic soils. Provide moisture in Summer during periods of prolonged drought. Mild frost tolerance. If feeding is required a careful application of an acid fertiliser in Spring after trimming will enhance new growth and flowering the next season.
Group plant for enhanced effect. Useful plant for cutflower and providing a splash of colour in Winter.
Height 1m. Width 1m.

Cerinthoides Red

Cerinthoides Red
Erica Cerinthoides Red
Erica Cerinthoides Red
A small erect shrub bearing medium length stems with terminal clusters of bright scarlet flowers. Flowering begins in Winter and can continue till Spring. Prune after flowering.
Plant in full sun for best colour but will tolerate semi shade. Likes well drained acidic soils. Provide moisture in Summer during periods of prolonged drought. Mild frost tolerance. If feeding is required a careful application of an acid fertiliser in Spring after trimming will enhance new growth and flowering the next season.
Group plant for enhanced effect. Useful plant for cutflower and providing a splash of colour in Winter.
Height 1m. Width 1m.
Erica Cerinthoides Pink Hairy
Erica Cerinthoides Pink Hairy
Candy pink tubular flowers in terminal clusters in Winter.
Plant in well drained light acidic soils in full sun.
Provide Summer moisture and plant has a mild frost tolerance. Cut back after flowering.
A great garden plant for group plantings and a good addition to any coastal garden and the front of the shrub border.
Also makes for an excellent cut flower and is used on floral work.
Height 1m. Width 1m.

Cerinthoides Pink
Erica Cerinthoides Pink
Erica Cerinthoides Pink
A small erect shrub bearing medium to long stems with terminal clusters of candy pink inflated tubular flowers.
Flowering begins in Winter and can continue to Spring.
Plant in full sun for best colour but can tolerate light shade. Likes a well drained acidic soil. Provide moisture in Summer or during periods of prolonged drought. If feeding is required a careful application of an acid fertiliser in Spring after trimming will enhance new growth and flowering the following season. Frost hardy to -3°C once established. A coastal tolerant plant.
Useful plant for cutflower and providing a splash of colour in the garden in Winter.
Group plant for enhanced effect.
Height 1.5m. Width 1m+.
Erica Cerinthoides Pink & White
Pink Hairy Heath
Erica Cerinthoides Pink & White
Pink Hairy Heath
A compact rounded shrub producing Spring terminal clusters of whitish-pink tipped deep pink flowers.
Plant in an open sunny position but can tolerate partial shade. Likes well drained light acidic soils . Provide moisture over summer. If feeding is required apply an acidic fertilizer after flowering has finished and trim back.
- Great for group planting to enhance the effect
- Provides a splash of colour to any garden
- Mild frost tolerant
- Attracts bees
- Excellent for cut flower and floral work
Height 1m. Width 1m.

Cerinthoides Pink & White

Colorans White Delight
Erica Colorans White Delight
Erica Colorans White Delight
A small evergreen plant. Produces long stems of white tubular flowers in mass along the stem. The flowers age to a pink-red tone.
Likes a free draining acidic soil in full sun.
Provide moisture during periods of prolonged dryness. Prune back once flowering has finished or in late Spring.
Frost hardy to -2°C once established.
A lovely plant for a smaller garden. Can also be planted in containers using an acid based potting mix.
Coastal tolerant. Excellent cutflower.
Height 1m. Width 1m.
Erica Conica
Erica Conica
An attractive heath with densely leafy stems and attractive clusters of rose-pink flowers on medium length stems in Winter to Spring.
Prefers moist well drained light soils. Protect from frost when young until established. Prune after flowering.
- Well suited to sunny rockeries, coastal gardens
- Flowers suitable for picking
'Erica Conica' should be planted in gardens where it is in full sunlight and is well ventilated. This species performs best when planted in rockeries on sloping ground, terraces or embankments. It tolerates warm sunny positions, but prefers positions where it receives some relief from cool summer breezes coming off the sea.
Companion plants may include other ericas, brunias, and restios.
Height 1m. Width 1m.


Conica Compact
Erica Conica Compact
Erica Conica Compact
An excellent garden plant with a tidy rounded growth habit which becomes smothered in terminal clusters of cerise-pink flowers in Winter.
Prefers well drained acidic soils in full sun. Protect from frost while young. Trim after flowering to retain plants compactness, shape and size.
A great plant for group planting in shrub borders.
Flowers are useful for picking.
Height 1m. Width 1m.
Erica Densifolia Vibrant Beauty
Erica Densifolia Vibrant Beauty
A stunning small shrub when in full flower. Smothers itself with vibrant mauve flowers with a black tip.
Flowers in Spring. Prefers well drained soils in full sun.
Trim back when flowering has finished.
Striking planted in mass.
Height 1m. Width 50cm.

Vibrant Beauty

Fairy Bells
Erica Fairy Bells
Erica Fairy Bells
An erect free flowering shrub. Masses of mauve flowers smother the branches in late Winter into Spring.
Plant in open sunny situation in a free draining acidic soil.
Prune back well after flowering to enhance flowering the following year.
Height 1m. Width 75cm.

Erica Formosa
Erica Formosa
grows close to the sea ...
Erica formosa is a compact, much-branched, bushy shrub. It has small, dark, shiny, green leaves arranged close to thin stems. It produces a profusion of small, glossy, white flowers.
Erica formosa is a charming plant that produces lovely displays of white flowers from mid-winter to early Summer. It is well-tempered and keeps a neat tidy habit for many years without requiring much maintenance.
It prefers well-drained, acidic soils with some clay content.
It does not require much pruning, but pruning after flowering is recommended to keep the plants compact. Plants that are pruned are more presentable, last longer and produce more flowers.
Erica formosa grows best when planted in gardens in full sunlight. It can also grow in light shade, but will produce less compact plants and fewer flowers.
It is ideal for rockeries, embankments or any open plant bed where the soil is well drained and acidic. Companion plants may include other Ericas, Agathosma, Brunias, and small Restios. It will also do well in a medium-sized container with a suitable, well-drained growing medium.
Height 60cm. Width 60cm.

Glauca Elegans
Erica Glauca Elegans
Erica Glauca Elegans
A rather compact slow growing plant which produces large terminal clusters of mauve flowers. The flowers last for quite some time. Flowers mid-Winter to Spring.
The flowers of 'Erica glauca elegans' have an unusual colour scheme: mauve bracts and pale sepals surround a naturally brown corolla. A dense, somewhat combined cluster of three flowers.
Erica glauca was named for its glaucous or grey-blue leaves covered in a bloom. The leaves of 'Erica glauca elegans' grow in groups of three, ascending or slightly spreading, usually curving in at their pointed tips. The leaves are nearly cylindrical and narrow, those immediately below the flowers bigger and changed in shape.
Prefers well drained soils in full sun.
Height 1m. Width 1m.
Erica Holosericea
Andromeda Heath
Erica Holosericea
Andromeda Heath
A delicate but very attractive Erica with lovely inflated pink flowers along the stems in Spring.
Prefers light, free draining, moist sandy-type acidic soils in full sun.
Cut back after flowering.
A great container plant and a great cutflower.
Height 75cm. Width 75cm.



Lavender Mist
Erica Lavender Mist
Erica Lavender Mist
Erect evergreen growth habit. An excellent shrub for mid Winter colour. Masses of tiny mauve flowers on long stems.
Most suited to light free draining acidic soils in full sun. Provide moisture late Summer. Trim well when flowering is finished.
Mild frost tolerance.
Mass plant for colour effect, plant in beds with other Ericas for all year round colour.
Excellent cut flower and great for floral work.
Height 1.5m. Width 1m.

Mamosa Deep Pink
Erica Mamosa Deep Pink
Erica Mamosa Deep Pink
Erica mammosa is a slow-growing and long-lived, robust, erect, well-branched shrub,growing to a height of 1.8 m if left undisturbed. It has small, linear leaves. The inflated/tubular deep pink flowers form dense spike-like inflorescences towards the tips of the main branches. The flowers are borne singly or in pairs in the axil of a leaf.
These bright attractive flowers can be found throughout the year however mainly in Autumn into early Winter.
Erica mammosa should be planted in a sunny position with well-drained, sandy, acidic soil. Do not disturb the roots as they are very sensitive. Protect the plant from extreme cold and frost. Pruning of the shrub should be done to remove unwanted material and ensure healthy, multi-stemmed growth.
It has great horticultural potential due to the variety of colours within the species. Planting Erica mammosa in a garden amongst proteas, Agathosma, and ericas of different flowering times will provide colour all year.
It will attract birds to the garden.
Height 1.5m. Width 1m.

Mamosa Coccinea Red
Erica Mamosa Coccinea
Tassel Heath
Erica Mamosa Coccinea
Tassel Heath
Erica Mamosa Coccinea is a small shrub endemic to the Western Cape of South Africa. It is well loved for its bright scarlet red flowers and popularity with pollinators.
Grow Erica m. coccinea in well-drained soil, in a position that is sunny or gets morning to midday sun. It prefers a cool position, and fails to thrive in hot, dry positions, particularly those that get the hot afternoon sun. It prefers a well-watered site, but it must be well drained.
Grows well in coastal gardens, in the cool rockery, on east, southeast- or southwest-facing terraces or where they are shaded for the later part of the day, or in containers. When growing ericas in containers, it is important to use the correct soil. It should be a well-drained, acidic based potting mix.
When birds feed on the nectar and while doing so, pollinate the flowers. The flowers are also visited by bees and other insects that feed on the pollen.
It is cultivated for the cut flower market.
Height 1.2. Width 1.2m.
Erica Mamosa Green
Erica Mamosa Green
Grow in well-drained soil, in a position that is sunny or gets morning to midday sun. It prefers a cool position, and fails to thrive in hot, dry positions, particularly those that get the hot afternoon sun. It prefers a well-watered site, but it must be well drained.
Grows well in coastal gardens, in the cool rockery, on east, southeast- or southwest-facing terraces or where they are shaded for the later part of the day, or in containers. When growing ericas in containers, it is important to use the correct soil. It should be a well-drained, acidic based potting mix.
When birds feed on the nectar and while doing so, pollinate the flowers. The flowers are also visited by bees and other insects that feed on the pollen.
It is cultivated for the cut flower market.
Height 1.2. Width 1.2m.

Mamosa Green

Ericas are famous for their showy winter flowers, which range from whites, pinks and purples through to hot oranges reds and yellows. There are varieties to suit most NZ climates.
The prerequisite for these colourful, low growing shrubs is free draining soil. Trim winter and spring flowering varieties immediately after flowering. Likes free-draining soil and sun. Loves the cold.
Erica Muritanica Spring Charm
Erica Muritanica Spring Charm
An erect growing shrub which produces long stems covered in masses of pale mauve flowers in early Spring.
Prefers well drained sites in full sun. Prune well after flowering.
Mass plant for colour effect, plant in beds with other Ericas for all year round colour.
Ideal for picking, great cut flower and for floral work.
Height 60cm. Width 60cm.
Erica Melanthera
Erica Melanthera
'Melanthera' is a compact growing, small shrub renowned for its masses of small, pink, bell shaped flowers which appear in Autumn/Winter and completely cover the fine foliage.
Prefers to be planted in full sun in light, sandy, acid soil with some peat to keep it open and maintain a little moisture.
Generally frost hardy but they do need protection when young and still not fully established.
Prune lightly after flowering - avoid anything alkaline, like lime.
- Compact shrub.
- Produces masses of small pink bell shaped flowers in Autumn.
- Great for garden beds, rockeries and patio containers.
- Easy care and low maintenance.
- A great plant for pots on the patio.
- Excellent for cut flowers.
A lovely addition to the garden where it can be planted in garden beds, rockeries and patio containers. Mass planting will create seasonal drifts of colour.
Height 1m. Width 75cm.


Erica Nana
Erica Nana
'Erica nana' is a low-growing, sprawling, shrub. The branches are described as divaricate (spread widely), flexuous (winding from side to side) and ridged. Leaves are 4-nate (4 leaves arranged in a ring around the stem), 4-8 mm long, erect and linear.
'Erica nana' is highly floriferous, the flowers often completely covering the neat and compact shrublet from Winter to early Spring. Upon opening, the tubular, flowers are greenish yellow but soon turns to a bright yellow producing a spectacular sight.
Soil is a sensitive issue. Plant in full sun.
Grow in well drained and acidic soils, containing no manure, with low levels of phosphate.
Lightly trim back after flowering to retain shape.
It is perfectly suited to rock gardens and can also be planted so that it sprawls over low garden walls. In rock garden pockets it is best grown in groups of three and can be successfully inter-planted with other Ericas.
It also makes an outstanding subject for containers.
Height 50cm. Width 1m.
Erica Patersonia
Mielie Heath
Erica Patersonia
Mielie Heath
'Erica patersonia' is an erect, yet open growth habit.
The branches are densely covered with tufts of dark green, needle-like leaves. The bright, golden yellow, waxy, tubular flowers are arranged in closely packed spikes on the middle to upper section of the stem. The yellow tubular flowers in Winter. The flowering stem resembles corn on the cob, which gives it its common name, mielie heath. Growth can be slow, branching occurs mainly at the base of the stem and is woody and often bare. Trim to shape after flowering.
Suited to full sun and light free draining acidic soils. Protect from heavy frosts.
Stems can be picked for use in floral work.
Height 75cm. Width 50cm.


Pink Tubes
Erica Perspicua Pink Tubes
Erica Perspicua Pink Tubes
A small erect shrub bearing medium length stems of rosy pink tubes in mid Winter. Flowers can be seen all up the stems.
Plant in full sun for best colour but will tolerate semi shade. Likes well drained acidic soils. -1°C Frost Tolerance. Provide moisture in Summer during periods of prolonged drought. If feeding is required a careful application of an acid fertiliser in Spring after trimming well enhance new growth and flowering the next season.
Looks great planted in groups or with other varieties of Ericas.
'Pink Tubes' would be a worthy addition to your patio, pot into a potting mix with a low phosphate fertiliser content. Choose a decent-sized pot and, assuming you don't have a cat, will attract small, nectar-feeding birds like waxeyes.
Useful plant for cutflower and providing colour in Winter.
Height 75cm. Width 50cm.
Erica Peziza Velvet Bells
Woollysnow Heath
Erica Peziza Velvet Bells
Woollysnow Heath
An erect, densely floriferous, well-branched shrub.
Leaves are dark green, linear, simple and whorled. It has masses of small, hairy, white, bell- to urn-shaped flowers, up to 5 mm long. The flowers are entirely covered in white woolly hairs and when in full flower, it appears that the bushes are covered in snow. It flowers in Spring.
Grow 'Erica peziza' in a well drained acidic soil.
It needs a sunny situation, where there is free circulation of air through its branches. Water well, but carefully; it needs regular watering but it does not like to be permanently wet. Frost sensitive.
Once planted, leave its roots as undisturbed as possible.
- It is well suited to rockeries, rocky slopes, retaining walls and raised beds.
- It is also suitable for containers
- great cut flower
- stems can be picked for use in floral work.
Height 1m. Width 1m.

Peziza Velvet Bells

Erica Sparsa
Erica Sparsa
'Erica sparsa' is a free-flowering, relatively easy-to-grow, shrub that produces masses of small flowers in late Summer, Autumn and Winter, that turn the whole bush pink (masses of small, pale rosy pink to white flowers). Leaves are small and needle-like.
Grow Erica sparsa in a sunny position, in well-drained (sandy), composted, acidic soil. Keep root disturbance to a minimum.
Grow in groups, Mediterranean style gardens, and in rockeries, on a sandy slope, in containers, and it should cope well with windy coastal conditions.
It is grown and sold as a flowering pot plant in some countries. Flowering branches make an excellent, long-lasting cut flower, and it is available in the cut-flower market.
- Aromatic foliage similar to honey once the flowers have opened
- Ideal for a colourful addition to any shrub border
- Attracts bees
- Excellent for cut flower and floral work
Height 1m. Width 75cm.
Erica Think Pink
Erica Think Pink
An attractive small shrub with an erect growth habit. Terminal clusters of clear pink flowers are produced over a prolonged period in Winter to early Spring.
Performs best in light free draining acidic soils in full sun. Pruning back to remove dead flowers in late Spring will help to enhance a good flowering the next season. Plants can be fed carefully with a fertiliser for acid loving plants.
The long stems topped with the terminal clusters of flowers are very useful for cutflower.
A good plant to compliment other South African plants in the garden and looks great on it's own or planted in groups.
Height 1m. Width 50cm.

Think Pink

Ventricosa Globosa
Erica Ventricosa Globosa
Erica Ventricosa Globosa
'Erica ventricosa globosa', with its exquisite flowers and dense, compact habit, is one of the most attractive of the Erica species.
It smothers itself in attractive pink globose flowers in mid-late Spring. Has a quite compact growth habit.
An ideal plant for the smaller garden. Best suited to well drained acidic sandy soils in a warm sunny situation. Avoid frost.
Provide regular deep watering during periods of prolonged drought or throughout the first Summer after planting to assist establishment. Trim very lightly once flowering has finished.
It is an excellent pot subject, and a decorative garden subject where it is shown to best effect when planted in groups to have a full colour effect..
Height 50m. Width 50cm.
Erica Walkeria
Erica Walkeria
Masses of china pink flowers in pyramidal spikes smothering the plant during Spring.
Prefers light free draining acidic soils in full sun. Has a mild frost tolerance and it is important to trim back lightly after flowering to retain compactness and shape.
- Great for planting in groups, with other erica varieties
- Great for shrub borders
- grows at the beach
- excellent cut flower
- great for floral work.
Height 75cm. Width 1m.


Erica Winter Charm
Erica Winter Charm
Brighten up the winter garden with this charming Erica that has masses of soft pink flowers on long stems from Winter through to Spring. Compact upright growth habit.
Prefers well drained soil in full sun. Trim after flowering to maintain shape.
- Great for planting in groups, with other erica varieties
- Great for shrub borders
- grows at the beach
- excellent cut flower
- great for floral work.
Height 60cm. Width 60cm.
Erica Winter Fire​
Erica Winter Fire​
A compact shrub bearing a profusion of bright fire-red tubular flowers in terminal clusters through Winter and Spring.
New growth of glowing yellow tips follows the flowers in Spring, giving a vibrant profusion of colour, from late Autumn to early Summer.
Prefers acidic / lime-free soil.
Grows in sun or semi-shade / Will tolerate light frost only.
Height 1m. Width 1m.


Wittunga Satin
Erica Wittunga Satin
'Wittunga Satin' - a selected hybrid for it's excellence of flower and habit by the staff of Wittunga, one of the Botanical Gardens of Adelaide.
Erica Wittunga Satin
'Wittunga Satin' - a selected hybrid for it's excellence of flower and habit by the staff of Wittunga, one of the Botanical Gardens of Adelaide.
'WITTUNGA SATIN' is a small/medium evergreen shrub, massed with lustrous pink flowers in Spring, ma​king it an outstanding garden plant.
Plant in full sun, in a well drained acidic soil. Prune heavily during or immediately after flowering.
Water well, especially when new growth is occurring and during dry periods. Protect from severe frost.
The long arching sprays of flowers have good vase life and are excellent in floral arrangements.
Height 80cm. Width 80cm.